Chapter 14

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"Thorin had ducked just in time as I landed with both feet on either side of his barrel. Legolas didn't hesitate to follow though. So I hopped to the next barrel.

"Andriel!" Legolas called out me but I ignored him, hopping ahead again.

I finally landed over Bifur who cheered for as he shook a fist at Legolas. I was far too focused on my balance to worry about him anymore though. I was too far ahead for him to get to. So I focused on balance and shooting anything anytime I had the chance.

Cold water splashed onto my face as rushed down the rapids, making me fearfully aware of the fallen log up ahead. I glanced ahead and I could see it coming up quickly. Too quickly. I readied myself and grabbed the top of the log launching my legs over and making a wobbly landing back on the barrel.

I glanced back, breathlessly thrilled, to see Legolas finally stop following. That was the end of that, I thought as the orcs disappeared too.  The rapids went on quite a ways but it did eventually slow down. I managed to snag onto the shore and help pull everyone out.

I sat myself down, my legs had already been wobbly from last night. Barrel riding only made it worse.

"We need to move on..." Thorin said.

"To where?" Balin said.

"To the mountain, we're so close. " Bilbo added.

"A lake lies between us and that mountain."

"Guys...stop. First off Kili is hurt, and it won't get better on its own. And two there is literally a guy coming around the corner that will be willing to smuggle us in for double the usual price." I said.

As I finished my tiny rant Bard came up over the rocks, bow in hand. Balin was quick to jump in and introduce himself and get the ball rolling. Before we knew it we were on our way to lake town.

Sitting on the boat I had a moment to my thoughts. A moment to take in the color around me. To think...I could see freaking color! I smiled at the thought. But my smile faded as I realized if I ever woke up it wouldn't be there anymore. Another realization came after that. One that gave me mixed feelings. One that threatened to take away all of my brave behavior. How would I know what color looked like if I've never seen it? So the only way that could be possible would be if it was real. If this wasn't a coma dream at all.

I swallowed hard at the thought but this meant all the other problems were just ten times more serious.

"Bard. I know your plan is to hide us all under a bunch of fish but..there's not enough barrels to fit me, and I sure as hell won't be able to slip in with the rest." I said.

"You have nothing to worry about. Word had already spread to lake town that Thranduil had found his soulmate. That ring you wear is your ticket anywhere." He said with a smile. "Thanks to you there won't be much fight from Alfred or the guards."

I looked down at the ring, memories of that night coming back. My heart had hurt to leave Thranduil like that, but it hurt at the thought of staying and betraying Thorin in the process.

So many thoughts...too many thoughts...

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