Chapter 4

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Bofur was assigned first watch. I sat next to him, intending to mention the Goblin king and to warn him so that maybe we could avoid that fiasco. I didn't feel like I could mention it to Thorin, he was clearly skeptical of me. As I sat I waited for Thorin to fall asleep before saying anything, even closing my own eyes for a second. This was a huge mistake. In that few seconds sleep hit me like a tidal wave. Why could I never fall asleep this quick when I actually needed it?

The weight on my eyes was intense but I managed to wake myself as I heard Bofur and Bilbo whispering. I fought to keep my eyes open enough to actually feel awake.

"Guys..." I groaned as I stood. "We should go..."

"What? Why?" Bilbo asked.

"Just trust me. I meant to say earlier but I guess I fell asleep and...." I had made it over the cave entrance when there was that familiar shifting sound that cut me off.

"Everybody up!" Thorin yelled.

We had all barely moved when the floor finally caved in and we dropped. The fall was probably far more rough than it seemed in the movies. I had even remembered thinking to myself "Why didn't they just jump the edges of the cave? Grab onto the very rocky walls?". Because it was a fast and sudden drop! That's why!

I let out a yelp of surprise and pain we hit the bottom of the rocky tube and began bouncing and sliding down. I thought the final landing would be easier but was sorely wrong. I landed with a hard groan under me from Kili, the hilt of his sword slamming into my side. Ori and Nori landed next to me before we quickly piled up, knocking the air out of my lungs as Bombur finally landed on all of us. Not being able to breathe was a nice distraction from the desire to cry.

I was expecting goblins to come storming over to us immediately but I found we had the time to start getting up.

"I'm sorry...are you alright?" I asked Kili, looking down at him.

"Yeah, are you?" Kili asked softly as I tried pushing myself off him.

"I could be better..." I said, giving a faint smile that quickly faded with the sound of the goblins.

We all tried scrambling up faster, tripping over each other in a hurry as at least a hundred goblins grabbed and pulled at us. For me it was like fighting off children that weren't afraid to use claws or teeth. I couldn't shake them, and I knew it would be useless to try. In the panic though I saw Bilbo ducking out of sight. I knew he'd be fine, I just hated I wouldn't be there for my favorite part.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as was pushed and pulled by these hideous creatures. It wasn't long before we were presented to a massive and particularly disgusting goblin that I immediately knew to be the Goblin King.

"Well look who it is..." The king started.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his sarcastic and snide remarks towards Thorin and instead looked around. I don't know what for, I just hoped for something. Anything. But my Attention was called back to the Goblin King.

"And who is this pretty thing? I wouldn't have expected a dwarf like you to travel with a elf." The Goblin King said coming over to me.

I let out a laugh. "I'm not an elf. I'm human, I figured that would be fairly obvious."

"Could have fooled me. Why do you cover your ears then?"

"That's none of your business." I growled.

I always covered my ears. They weren't pointed like an elf's, they had scars. The doctors said I was burned, as if to close a wound. They looked normal other and those scars. I noticed Thorin give a suspicious glance, but he said nothing.

"Oh we'll just see about that..." The king said waving his hand.

I rolled my eyes. This guy was just a big idiot, hardly threatening. Or at least the movies made it seem that way. A goblin shoved me forward. I had to stop myself from running into the king. The first thing I noticed from being so close was his stench. This whole place stank but his smell was god awful. Some sort of deadly cross between shit and fish, that made me want to gag. But I resisted.

I tried stepping back but his massive hand grabbed me by the hair and lifted me just enough for my toes to be the only thing touching the floor. I let out a cry as my hair pulled at my head, threatening to rip from my scalp. I let out a pained yell.

"Let go of me!" I growled, trying not to show my pain but my hands were shaking as I scratched at his oily hand.

The dwarves seemed ready to fight, stepping forward but being pulled back by the small goblin hoard.

"Your ears were cut. I wonder why that is...." The king said with a smirk.

"You will unhand her!" A deep commanding voice came from behind the dwarves and goblins.

I knew it wasGandalf. It had to be. I heard a whoosh just thrust my body up and slammed my foot into the kings face. I surprised at the squish instead of crack the impact had but he dropped me and fell back none the less. I saw and felt the flash of light that knocked the king back even more.

"Take up arms! Fight!" Gandalf commanded as he stepped forward.

I rushed over to my sword, dropped by a goblin, and grabbed it just as the dwarves grabbed theirs.  I had never fought with a sword before, but I remembered being told that it wasn't anything like the movies and more of just going straight for the kill. My heart pounded with anxiety as I quickly stood to fight.

Coma dream....just a Coma dream...

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