Chapter 6

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I treated this warg coming at me like a bull. I waited till the last second to twist away. I made a full three sixty sliding my sword between its ribs as it passed. It dropped to the ground dead.

Not half bad, I thought to myself before a large force swooped and gripped me tightly. My heart nearly fell out of my chest as it then dropped me, making me land on a giant eagles back. I clung to it tightly as more eagles joined it, clinging onto fist fulls of dwarves. We flew off into the night, I feared I might fall off if I fell asleep. But sleep called to me as the air rushed through my hair, as the eagles feathers brushed against my face, as my pounding heart began to settle into a soft rhythmic beat.

I'm pretty sure I had dozed off because the next thing I knew the sun was rising and we were diving down over a mountain. I lifted my head, looking around. Bilbo clung to his eagle, leaning over to look at Thorin. My heart hurt for him but I knew Thorin would be fine. For now.

We landed on a large rock, almost a small mountain, and everyone huddled around Thorin. Gandalf was quick to clear a path and kneel down next to him. It was only seconds before Thorin sat up, Dwalin helped pull him to his feet with a pat on the back. Thorin looked to me but his gaze settled to Bilbo.

"And here I thought you would be a burden.." Thorins words weren't exactly like the movies but they certainly meant the same as hugged Bilbo tightly. "I have never been so wrong in my entire life."

I gave a half smile. I didn't think I'd begin to care whether or not Thorin trusted me but I did care. I cared a lot. I stepped to the back of the dwarves, letting them surround Thorin in hugs. Bilbo's gaze lingered on me though.

"You know.." Bilbo started. "With out Andriel...I would not have been able to save you. I...I know you don't trust her...but I think you should. Human or elf, you should trust her."

"Bilbo's right, she helped us off that tree. If she hadn't, you would have been lost." Dwalin said, his hand on Thorins shoulder.

All the attention turned to me and I immediately felt self conscious. I couldn't help but look away a bit. I glanced back to find Thorin in front of me. He clasped my hand in his.

"I have been...unfair to you. And I apologize. Thank you, for everything." Thorin said, his deep tone felt so sincere.

"Look...I get it. It okay. And to be honest I expected some, it's okay." I smiled.

Thorin gave a nod that felt a bit more like a small bow before he turned to look at the very distant lonely Mountain. Any clouds in the sky seemed to drift away and let the sun warm our faces. My heart ached with relief.

"There it is. The Lonely Mountain." Balin spoke a Dwalin patted him on the back.

"I do believe the worst is behind us." Bilbo added.

"I guess you weren't there for Andriel's little speech about what's to come.." Thorin chuckled as he turned away to lead us off this rock.

Bilbo turned and watched us start walking with the most defeated look before he hurried along to follow us.

"So the worse isn't behind us?" Bilbo said as he made it up to me.

"Most certainly not, but...we will be fine as long as you have that ring." I whispered.

Bilbo got a look of almost horror before he hurried past me. I couldn't help but smirk a bit. We traveled for the rest of the day before we finally found a place to rest that wasn't going to try and kill us.

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