Chapter 24: That's my dream

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~Gally's POV~

The day I saw her. She changed my life. I wasn't too fond a girl coming into the maze, I thought it was suspicious and weird that W.C.K.D. sent her with us.

But the more time I spent with her, I grew close with her, the more I became protective of her. I may have overdid it but I didn't want any harm coming to her.

I remember when she was running back from the Maze with Minho and I was building another table. I looked up from what I was doing and saw her. Smiling, laughing. She met my gaze and waves to me. I wave back and watch as she follows Minho to the map room.

Jack set the wood down next to me and smirked. "First time seeing you genuinely smile, Captain Gally."

I was smiling without notice and I quickly hid it again. "Whatever, let's just get this done." Irritated, I got the wood and we continued building the table.

Even our wrestling sessions we would do. Of course, she won. Each time. But I didn't care, I only cared about the time spent with her.

"You have skills Captain, fighting isn't one of them." She jokes as she helps me up. I let out a small laugh as I stood up. My body towering her, her brown eyes meeting my eyes.

"Just remember I can take down the others. But you are strong, I'll give you that." I agreed

"Good that." Aria smiles and let's out a laugh. "I'm not use to this glader slang."

I laughed along and put my arm over her shoulder. "Don't worry, you used it perfectly. Just don't overuse it." I explained

"Will do. Race you to the homestead!" Aria shouts as she starts running.

"Alright then." I ran after her

The day I knew I loved her, was the day when she almost left with Thomas and Minho to escape the maze. Her goodbye hurted me most, I didn't want her to go, but I didn't want to keep her from a chance of a possible new life.

When I got stung, I almost killed her and Thomas. She had a chance to leave, but she stayed behind to help me; even if she had to fake her death so the group could keep going without her.

When I woke up, she was the first thing on my mind. I was scared thinking I lost her. But when I saw her, I never hugged her so tight. All the fighting we had did for that month were forgotten. What mattered to us most was that we both had each other.

Being together at the civilization working with Lawrence made us closer than ever.

Especially the intimacy we shared. Trusting me, being comfortable, the love that circled around us. I made sure not to hurt her in that moment.

The night of the break in to WCKD, I was worried about her. But knowing Aria, she's a badass; she can handle her own. Especially in a room full of guards. Her kicking their asses and knocking them out, showed the type of fighter she was.

It is WCKD's fault for trying to raise her that way, cause now she has skills that could take them down. If looks could kill, she is definitely lethal.

And to look where we are now. The battles we fought, the fight we won, lead us here. With 2 children and my soon to be wife on a land that us survivors call our own. I love that woman more than anything and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her.

When I first saw her, I see her as my dream. She is always my dream.

And my dream came true in this very moment. Marrying her.

(A/N) Sorry that this is short but I promise the next one will be longer.

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