Chapter 7 - Another Girl???

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The gladers were stunned by the news. Another girl. 2 girls in the Glade now. Aria was kind of glad she wasn't the only girl in the Glade, but she was still suspicious about the situation.

The girl wakes up and gasps for air. She shouted a name. Thomas. Everyone looked at him, wondering if they knew each other. The girl falls back unconscious and the gladers pick her up from the box.

"Do you know her?" Aria asks Thomas.

Thomas shakes his head in response

"Maybe before coming here, but I don't have a clue who she is" Thomas says.

Newt has Clint and Jeff take her to the medhut. Aria let's out a yawn, Minho notices.

"Thomas, did she sleep last night?" Minho asks

"No, she kept watch."

"Alright. Aria, get some rest. You'll need it." Minho says As he pats her on the shoulder. She nods and heads to her hut.


Before she opened the door. Gally grabs her arm and presses her against a tree. His arm to the side of her head. His glare burned into her eyes. She looked up to him.

"What the shuck do you want?" Aria glares back at him

"Why the hell are you defending the Greenie? What happened to my best friend?" Gally almost shouts.

"Thomas didn't do anything to you Gally! He was trying to help me, without him helping me, Alby would've been dead."

Gally still rolls his eyes, Aria jabs a finger to his chest. "And you are one to talk, what's going on with you, shank? One minute you are kind and sweet to me and the next you are acting like a total slinthead! It's like I'm a bother to you!" Aria yells.

"Then maybe you are one. Why not cozy up to Thomas then, I bet he could make you happy." Gally retorts.

"Maybe I will. Since your jealousy is getting in the way of using your shucking head."

His face was inches away from hers. The two kept eye contact, still glaring at one another. Gally leans down and whispers in her ear.

"Next time, don't bother asking me for help." Gally storms off, walking away to the builder's hut.

Aria was left there stunned.Her anger rises and she walks to her hut. She leans against the door and huddles her knees together.

She couldn't believe she lost her friend of 3 years. Even who she has loved for a long time. He made her truly happy, now that happiness was gone. What did she do to deserve that? She lays on her bed and buries her face in the pillow, slowly falling asleep.


The next day, Aria went to get breakfast. She sat with Chuck and Newt.

Thomas and Minho were discussing something they found inside the Griever from this yesterday. A device that had a section number where Thomas and Aria wee in.

Aria poked at her food, not saying a word to anyone. Newt notices and places a hand on her shoulder.

"What's wrong? Did something happen, love?" Newt asked

Aria shakes her head. Still poking at the food. Chuck tries his best to cheer her up. She appreciates the thought but she just needed to be alone.

As she looked up for a minute, she saw Gally glancing at her. He looks away as she meets his gaze. She excuses herself and heads towards the deadheads.

"Is she okay?" Minho asks

"Not sure, was she like that yesterday?" Newt asks Minho

"No, I think it was because of Gally." Chuck intercepts.

"What? What did Gally do?"

"They got into a argument and now they aren't best buds now" Chuck says

Newt looked hurt and so did Minho.

"We'll check on her later, give her some space. She always need to cool down." Newt says as the boys started eating.


Aria practiced her knife tossing and her fighting. She punched the dummy she made in anger, rapidly and forcefully. She sits down to try to calm down, her mind wanders to the memories she had with Gally.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked

It was a girl's voice, the Greenie's voice. Aria turned around and saw her. Her black hair and blue eyes.

"Yeah, what's your name, Greenie?" Aria asked

"I'm Teresa. You must be Aria, I heard so much about you." Teresa said, taking a seat next to Aria.

"Well, what did they say about me?"

"Minho said you were a badass chick. Thomas said you were very protective and loyal. And I think the British one, Newt, is it? He said you are one fiesty and witted girl."

Aria smiles slightly. "I was expecting them to say something dumb, but I guess that works. I'm glad I'm not the only girl here now. Finally, another girl to talk to."

"How long have you been here?"

"3 years, being the only girl isn't so bad, but I need a break from the boys." Aria says

Aria and Teresa had been getting along just fine. Aria also gave Teresa a tour of the Glade.


Thomas and Minho had just left to see how the device worked. Aria had Teresa help her with Alby, mending him and seeing if the vile of liquid helped him with the changing. Teresa explained what happened with Alby when Aria was asleep. Damn, she slept through yesterday.

Aria decided to get Alby some water. She left the hut and went to the kitchen and asked Frypan for the water. She receives it and goes back to the medhut. She sees Gally in her path. The two look at each other and Aria goes around. Not saying a word.

After keeping tabs on Alby, she hears shouts in the Homestead. She sees Gally and Thomas bickering. She goes to them. "What is going on now?" Aria asked

"Gally won't just leave it alone. 3 years you all had nothing, I found things. I think we have a shot of getting everyone out." Thomas says determinedly

"Only to get us killed! You don't know what go on in the outside. We are better off here!" Gally scolds.

While the two kept arguing and Newt tries to break it up. Aria notices that it's sundown and her attention focuses in front of her.

The maze doors

Aria shouts and grabs their attention


The gladers look at Aria. The bickering between Thomas and Gally stop.

"The maze doors..." Aria walks in front of them.

"What about them?" Teresa asks

"They aren't closing..." Frypan says

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