Chapter 3 - Kindling Fire

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Present Day

Aria ran through the maze and kept running to the entrance of the Glade. Minho ran right beside her and kept running until they ran on stone to grass and dirt.

"Not bad. Still wish we found something"

"Yeah, hopefully tomorrow. Where is everyone?" Aria asks as she wipes the sweat from her forehead

"Maybe they are near the box getting-"

Just then a boy that neither of them has seen before ran past them. Running like lighting speed....until he trips and takes a tumble before coming to a complete stop.

A roar of laughter came from the other side of the Glade. Hoots and hollers arose from the boys as well.

Aria rolls her eyes at the boys and goes to help the new Greenie up. She extends her hand as he gets a good look of her.

"Hey Greenie, took quite a fall. Let's help you up." She gave her best friendliest smile.

She noticed him calm down a bit and he takes her hand. She helps him up and watches as the Greenie looks around.

"Where am I? Why am I here? Who are you?"

"Well Greenie, this is the Glade. Alby will tell you later. We don't know why you are here, it's happened to all of us. And the name is Aria. I'm kind of the only girl here."

Before he could ask any more questions. Gally shows up with Alby. Gally glares at Aria and Thomas. She was confused on why he was so upset.

"Hello Greenie, I'm Alby. Follow me and we'll talk privately." Alby said

As the Greenie nodded his head and follows Alby, Gally walks up to Aria. His glare still present. Aria's eyes roll, knowing what he was going to say.

"Something wrong, Captain Gally?" Aria teased.

Gally towers over her. His arms folded and his eyebrow raising him amusement to the nickname.

"Flirting much?" Gally asks. His jaw clenched, his cold stare still focused on her.

"No I wasn't, I was helping him up. It's called being friendly. Try it sometime."

They bickered almost all the time. It was sometimes over stupid and small things. This was different.

"He could've gotten up himself. You didn't need to help him." Gally's anger risen. Aria folds her arms across her chest and rolls her eyes.

"Jealous much?"

"Not the slightest" Gally scowls

"That's not what it seems like to me."

Before Gally could say another word. Minho pulls her away to the map room. They meet up with Ben to tell him what they have accomplished so far.


"Still more sections to open?" Ben asked

"Yeah, tomorrow we will go in there to see. Aria, you can rest for a bit tomorrow. Now, we just help set up the bonfire."

"Go ahead, I have to go to the med hut anyway." Aria says

Both boys nod and leave the room. Aria goes to the med hut and does her tasks.


"Hey Aria, can you handle the last patient, Alby needs us to tend to the Greenie" Jeff asks as he packs some supplies

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