Chapter 22 - The Right Time

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The bump grew and grew. She went through changes as her bump grew. The baby growing inside. Waiting to be revealed to the world. Gally and Aria's bundle of joy was almost here.

Aria's dress dragged along the shore as she walks with her love. He holds her hand as they walked, occasionally planting kisses on the back of her hand.

They take a seat on the chairs so Aria could rest. She takes a gentle breath as she sits down. The heaviness of the bump weighing on her.

"Careful, wouldn't want to injure yourself."

"I'm fine Gally, I promise. Just a bit tired."

Gally takes a seat next to her as the two of them stare at the waves washing against the shore. She notices a suppressed sadness on Gally's face, she gentle placed her hand on his.

"Gally, what's on your mind?"

Gally let's out a sigh and looks towards the ground.

"I just been thinking about another baby name. In case we ever have another."

The idea dawns in her mind as she lays her head on his shoulder.

"...You want to name the baby Chuck."

He nods his head. A slight smile paints her face as she takes his face in her hand. Their eyes meet.

"Definitely. If the baby is a boy"

As they leaned in, Aria let's out a yelp in pain.

"Oooo shit." She exclaims as she rests a hand on the bump.

"What's going on?" Gally instantly worries.

"It's nothing, just the baby doing stuff."

Aria feels the baby kick and puts Gally's hand over it. She watches as his worries disappear and his smile takes place.

"Wow...I can't believe this." He sighs in happiness.

"One minute you are fighting grievers, fighting against W.C.K.D and the next you are raising a family."

"Do you ever think what would've happened if we were still in the Glade?" Gally asks

"Sometimes. But it definitely wouldn't be safe. We probably would've died out." Aria says.

"Yeah, but you will probably fight a few grievers." Gally jokes

"Maybe...but they are strong. I just wouldn't want the baby to go through want we went through. It was bad enough." Aria looks to Gally's hand on hers.

"I would protect them until my dying breath."

"And I would too." Aria looks to him with a soft gaze.

Gally's hand travels behind her head as he leans in. Her forehead touching his as they lived in the moment.

"No wonder why WCKD called you a warrior...but you always been one."


As days passed, the baby had yet to arrived. The patience grew more and more for the couple. Until one day, it finally happened.

Aria was cooking with Frypan, continuing their lesson of cooking. As Aria was following his instructions, a wave a pain overthrew her.

She groaned in pain and she felt splashes of liquid hit the ground. Her eyes widen and she froze.

It was time.

" water broke...get me to the medhut. Quickly, please!" Aria says frantically as she tries to keep breathing to stay calm.

Frypan nodded and helped guide her to the medhut as they hobbled to there. Fry tries to keep Aria steady.

Aris and Harriet notices the commotion from afar and they go to find Gally.

Aris and Harriet kept running. Fast as lightening. Their shouts turned heads in their direction. They were able to find him with Thomas and Brenda. Gally sees their panic expressions.

"What's going on?" Gally asks as he hauls wood from the woods.

"It's time, Gally. Fry is taking Aria to the medical hut now." Aris says as he tries to catch his breath.

Gally's eyes widen in fear. Without a second thought, he ran. His feet hitting the ground as he ran, only having one thing on his mind.

His love.

Gally makes it just in time to see Fry help Aria. Beads of sweat down her forehead, her hair a little messy. Fry holds her hand while saying words of affirmation to encourage her.

Gally stands by her side. He grabs a hold of her other hand, as his hand is on her back. She smiles at him for a quick second before she familiarizes herself with the pain.

Her screams echoing in the hut and outside. She squeezes the boy's hands hard, as tight as she can. Neither one flinched or let go. They continued to be by her side despite the fact that she might break their hand.

After a few moments of pushing, a wail is let out. But then another push is coming from Aria again. The boys look in confusion and Gally starts panicking.

"Why is she still pushing?" Gally asks frantically.

"It's another child. Twins." The medic said.

Gally stands there dumbfounded as he zones out for a minute, only to be brought back to reality by Aria's screaming. Frypan notices the panicking look on Gally's face.

"Gally, man. You are going to be a father. You made a lot of mistakes in the past but this is your chance to make different choices. I known for a while, man. You are the strongest guy I know. Now, focus on this moment and help the love of your life deliver this second kid." Frypan affirms.

Gally let's Fry's words melt through him. His head nods and he helps Aria prepare for the final push. Then...

Another wail.

As the medics help wash off the babies, the boys help comfort Aria. Her energy drained and her eyes fluttering closed. And the darkness consumes her. 


The sound of waves crashing is what Aria wakes up to. Her eyes slowly adjust to the light as she takes in her surroundings. She slowly cranes her head to her left and notice Gally smiling and holding a bundle of a blanket in his arms.

At the right moment, Gally looks up and notices Aria. He slowly gets up and goes to her. His smile never faltering.

"You did good, Darling." Gally presses a kiss onto her head. He sees her tired smile. "Twins. Both boys. Would you like to hold one?" Gally asks

She nods her head. Gally gently puts the baby in her arms. She gently cradles the baby in her arms as she looks at the youthful face. A little giggle leaves her as tears well up in her eyes. She plants a kiss to the babies head and strokes his cheek gently. She looks to Gally, who is holding the other twin.

"Newton. I want to name this one Newton." Aria spoke gently

"And we'll call this one, Charles. His nickname can be Chuck." Gally suggests

Aria smiles at her newborn boys. Gally gently sways Charles. Charles looks up to his father with his doe eyes. A smile spreads on Gally's face.

The one line he had been waiting so long to say.

"Day one, Greenies. Rise and Shine."

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