Chapter 21 - Little one

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Aria was in the bathroom. She hunched over the toilet, She wipes her mouth as she struggles to stand. She flushes and brushes her teeth. She looks in the mirror.

3 days. For 3 days, this has been happening.

Gally was in training with the soldiers, and Aria had a meeting with Lawrence in 15 minutes.

She decides to visit the medical area, just to see what the hell was happening to her.


"Well Aria, I know what's going on with you. You may want to sit down for this." The medic said

"Well, what's happening?" Aria asks impatiently

" are pregnant."

Her heart skips a beat, her vision becomes blurry. Her panic rises as her thoughts swirl.




The medic leaves Aria alone to give her some time. She clutches her stomach and her mind goes to Gally.

What will he say?

What will he think?

Aria knew that this would change her life forever...but also Gally's.


Present Day

Aria spends her mornings down by the shore of the beach. 2 months in the safe haven and everything was okay. No worries or anything. She could finally relax, be with her friends and her love. take care of the baby.

Brenda and Aria were taking a walk with Harriet and Sonya. The girls getting familiar with their surround more and getting comfortable.

"I'm so excited for you, Aria. This baby is going to be so cute." Sonya exclaims

"I agree. I think you have 7 more months until the baby is here. Or earlier." Brenda explains.

"I'm excited as well. Nervous but excited." Aria says in a humbled tone

"No need to be nervous, you are going to be great. Gally will think the same." Harriet says

The girls make it back to the camp. Harriet and Sonya break away to go find Aris. Brenda and Aria go walk around. As they were talking, Aria sees that Brenda stopped in her tracks.

Aria looks at her puzzled and follows her gaze to a shirtless Thomas. Sweat clinging to his body as he is hauling wood with Minho.

A smirk spreads across her face as she looks to Brenda. "Do you like Thomas?" Aria teases.

"And what if I do?" Brenda says defensively.

"It's not a bad thing. Why don't you spend time with him more." Aria suggests

"Maybe. But it's been a month since Teresa died, he could be still mourning for her." Brenda says

"Maybe give it time and start spending time with him now." Aria says as she pats her shoulder and walks away.


Aria walks and soon someone picks her up and spins her around. She laughs and a face comes into view.

"Hey Sailor"

"Hi Captain" Aria smiles

Gally plants a kiss on her cheek as he puts her down and walks with her. His hand holding hers as they walk to their shared hut.

"How's the little one?" Gally asks as he rests his hand on her stomach.

"They are okay. I just wish it could be faster than this." Aria jokes

"It be over soon. The wait will be worth it. Also I have something to show you." Gally excitedly drags Aria to the hut and covers her eyes.

"You are so excited for this." Aria giggles as Gally sits her down.


"I'm ready."

Gally uncovers her eyes and Aria sees a wooden crib. Little details of unique designs on the wood. She looks in surprise and happiness. She wraps Gally in a hug

"Gally, it's wonderful. I love it. And I think the baby will too."

Gally smiles and returns her embrace. His chin resting on top of her head. He feels as if something is off with her.


"Yes Gally?"

"Are you okay?"

"...Can I tell you something." Aria says calmly.

"Yeah, what's up?" Gally sits next to her

"I'm scared. I'm scared of this and what I'm going to do when the baby jd born. I don't know what to do."

"You aren't by yourself. I'm here. So is Fry, Minho, Brenda and Thomas. We are here for you. Don't be scared. You aren't alone in this." Gally comforts her.

A small smile crosses her face as she leans into him.

"I love you."

Gally plants a kiss on her lips as he caresses her cheek.

"And I love you"

His hand travels to her shirt. He feels something underneath and his head strikes with a idea. He smiles and Aria sees his brighten emotion. She looks at him in amusement and laughs.

"What's going on with you?" Aria laughs

He looks up to her and takes her hand. He places it on her stomach. A bump.

"Our little Greenie...they're growing."

Test Subject A862: The Warrior - Maze Runner Fanfiction w/ OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora