Chapter 15: My Every First

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    "She is my every first..."

     It was a normal day in a normal elementary school. The fifth graders were gathered in the art room. Each table had different shapes of beads and the teacher's orders were...

Miss Angel: Today, we'll make charms with class 5-B joining us. I know you're all excited just like me. I want to see how amazing your charms will be. Everyone, choose a partner. And the best couple of charms will get a package of candies.

    The little boy was standing in the corner of the class alone. He didn't feel accepted like all the other kids. He felt as if he stayed alone, he won't ever get hurt again. He remained there waiting for the last person who won't have a partner to come and join him. He stood there and watched the other children laughing and playing with each other and felt lonely and useless. If anything happened to him someday, maybe no one will notice that he was there in the first place. He looked down and felt apathetic of himself.

   And before all the teams were complete, he heard a voice nearby him and looked up. It was a female voice. He raised his head not expecting the girl to be talking to him.

Marinette: Why are you standing alone? Don't you want to make a charm?

    "She is the first person that talked to me. "

     The guy stared at her and stood silent not knowing how to answer. He never expected anyone to start a conversation with him. He was bemused. And when the girl didn't find an answer she ran to the chair in front of him then sat at the table and offered the other chair next to her.

Marinette: Come on. Don't be shy. I know you want to make one. I'll teach you if you don't know-how.

   The little boy hesitantly stepped and few steps forwards to the chair and sat down. His legs were shaking for some reason. He was scared of how nice she was to him and what was hiding behind that? The girl started tying the rope she had from the bottom and then started adding the beads in a beautiful pattern. Yellow, pink, red and black. He watched her carefully and started observing each of her moves and how good she was at crafting. At last, and after the rope was full with beads, she tied it from the top in a professional way and looked at him again. She found his hands empty and his eyes fixed on her so she asked.

Marinette: You didn't make a charm?

   He froze as her eyes met his and blushed then quickly hid his face in the other direction. All that time, he hasn't said a word. She talked again.

Marinette: What about we make your charm together. I'll help you.

    The bell suddenly rang refusing this idea. Marinette sighed and looked down. It's not like she wanted to get those candies or something. She was just, curious about the boy who didn't seem to be talking any time soon. In a last try to hear his voice, she looked at him again and smiled then extended her hands with the charm in it and offered.

Marinette: Here, you can have mine since you didn't have time to make one. I have a lot of beads at home. I'll make one for myself afterward.

   The way she kindly smiled and offered didn't give him a choice. His hand slightly shook as it moved to catch the charm from her hands.

   "She is the first hand that was extended to me..."

     He caught it and the girl stared at him, waiting for him to say something. Anything. She wanted to hear his voice so much. The teacher then came and reminded them of the bell that already rang and that they had another class to attend. Marinette got up and was walking out of there frustrated with curiosity. And reaching the door of the class, she wished she could hear him say anything from behind but he just looked down and held that charm tight in his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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