Chapter 4: I'll Be Fine

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The memory came striking her head as she talked and words barely came out of her mouth without tears cutting her off.

Marinette: Felix and I were more than friends. We loved each other... Well.

She paused for a moment hiding some pain then continued.

Marinette: I loved him. He lived me the most amazing love story ever but... it was just illusions. Just a dream he woke me up from that day. It was last year just like today on my birthday. He told me that he just used me. His reasons weren't reasonable. He just talked nonsense and didn't explain a thing. He just played me. He took advantage of me and since that day, he started bullying me. Like he has never known me before.

She bit her lips in pain hiding that unhideable mountain of torture. She then wondered out loud opening up her heart to Adrien whom she felt was someone to trust and found easy to talk to.

Marinette: How can someone turn from a very romantic person to such a jerk in one day and night? I know that there's another reason he won't tell me but why? He bullies me every day and horribly treats me. I kept quiet and just waited for him to regret what he's doing and stop but he never did and it's been a full year. It's enough humiliation already. I can't take it anymore. I hate him so much. I HATE HIM!!

She then threw herself in Adrien's arms begging for one dust of safety or comfort. Tears came streaming down her face as he hugged her. His heart was just about to beat out of its place pushing blood faster through his veins that his cheeks were pained in red. He had to say something. He had to pick the right words to say.

Adrien: It's okay, Marinette. Calm down. The more you cry on him, the more you value him. And he didn't value you when he decided to leave just like that. You have to stand up for him and stop him from bullying you or else he will be convinced he broke you and you won't feel good about all this. You have to stop thinking about him. You should just leave him in the past right where he left you and try looking forward to tomorrow. Every day you keep thinking about him is a day of your life wasted on him and he's not worth your life so stand up and take your life back. Retrieve all the days he took from you. You can do it, Marinette. And we are all here for you. Your friends, your parents. We are all ready to help whenever you call so don't let one failed experiment ruin the whole project.

Marinette listened to those words he said and felt every word entering her heart without a knock. His words were sincere and logical.

"He is right. What am I doing here? Crying like a stupid baby who lost her toy. Felix decided to leave so let it be. Life will still go on even without him being around. I am not the weak Marinette anymore. I am stronger than anything he can imagine now. I was chosen to have superpowers for a reason. I have to stand up on my feet again and retrieve what's mine."

Adrien's words were convincing enough for her to talk again. Not as the broken old Marinette anymore but as the strong new superheroine, Marinette. She

Marinette: You know what, Adrien?
You're right. Why were I being so weak? This is not me and who says I should be sad about it. Thanks, Adrien. for everything. I am happy that I talked to you.

Adrien was amazed and so... Proud of her and himself. It was the first time in his life that he talks this deep and eventually, words come out in their right places. He then remembered the party and said.

Adrien: Hey, let's hang out in the park and take in some fresh air. I will wait for you downstairs, OK?

She nodded and he walked downstairs and waited for her. 5 minutes later and Marinette walked downstairs but this time, she didn't hide herself beneath the black hoodie but proudly stepped in a beautiful pink dress. She looked so stunning that Adrien couldn't take his eyes off of her. The red colour took over his cheeks as he hopelessly tried to hide it. She smiled at him and his heart melted. He won't stay alive if he kept staring at her like that so he just turned around and opened the door for her with his ears pushing the heat out of his body. She stepped out and he followed her. They walked silently side by side to the park and the moment they reached, what was supposed to be a surprise for Marinette was a surprise for all her friends. Her best friend shouted.

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