Chapter 7: Broke Me First

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The next day Marinette woke up and she felt like she slept a lot. She extended her hand on the bed searching for her phone to know what clock is it. And after 5 whole minutes of sleepy Marinette searching for her phone, she finally remembered that it was with Adrien. She sighed and got out of bed and walked downstairs. She looked around to see her mom drinking a cup of coffee and her dad baking a chocolate cake in the kitchen. She yawned tiredly and rubbed her eyes then waved at them greeting.

Marinette: Good morning, mom, dad. What time is it?

She asked still sleepy. Her mother answered calmly.

Sabine: Say good afternoon. It's 1 pm already.

Marinette got shocked at the time and screamed.


Both her parents laughed at her reaction as she asked blaming them.

Marinette: Mom? Why didn't you wake me up?

Her dad then replied still laughing at that cute expression on her face.

Dad: Don't worry, sweetheart. It's Saturday.

The girl sighed thankfully.

Marinette: Phew. What a relief?

She then walked to the home phone and clicked some buttons.

Meanwhile, with Adrien. He was laying on his bed hugging her phone. He was so relaxed and flying in heaven when suddenly the phone rang. It made him freak out and throw it on the bed in a panic.

Adrien: It is her again. What do I do?

Tikki: Adrien. You have really got some control issues. When someone calls you, you pick up. Just do it.

Adrien: OK. OK. Fine. I... I'll do it.

He picked up to hear her soft angelic voice on the other side of the line. She started the call by greeting him kindly.

Marinette: Good afternoon, Adrien.

His name had another taste coming out of her mouth. It was the best sound he has ever heard. And it made him daydream. He realized after a few seconds that he has to reply and it made him stutter and flush.

Adrien: Good afterward... I mean afternoon. Good aftermoon... Uhm I mean hello.

She let out a pure laugh. She never thought of a better way to begin her day with. He was a nice guy and she liked his company. She continued.

Marinette: I was calling about my phone. Are you free today? We can meet somewhere and maybe even spend some time together. We are friends now, right?

Was that something to be happy or sad about? He doesn't expect her to love him in one day and night, right? Maybe a friend is what she needs right now. He replied.

Adrien: Uuh, right. What about you come over for dinner tonight?

He didn't know where that came from but he just talked and it was a good idea... Really! He stuttered.

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