Chapter 18: Heavy Love

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He smiled at her tired expression before caressing her cheek. It took a while, but Aja was able to get up and get cleaned and changed. "Get some sleep, sunshine. I've got her."  Holden said as he looked down at his exhausted girlfriend.

Holden took Angel to her room and rocked her. She was perfect. Her skin was lighter than he expected, but Aja told him her melanin would come in eventually. She looked at him with attentive brown eyes that mirrored her mother's. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me after your mother, Angel. I'm going to protect you with my life." Holden placed Angel in her crib and turned on the mobile Max and Daniel built and designed for her.

He took one of the monitors and closed the door. Holden made his way down to the office where he penned letters to his other selves. It was crucial that they get these letters and do as they were told. He placed them in areas throughout the house that he knew each would find them. His last stop was Max's office where he placed the letter on his keyboard. He smiled at the camcorder before placing it down and walking out.

Holden made Aja a quick spread before heading to Angel's room. He walked in on his beautiful girlfriend feeding their daughter and smiled. "How are you doing?" Holden asked walking up to her. He sat on the ottoman in front of the rocking chair she occupied. "I'm tired, but good. Our daughter is a greedy little thing. She's been eating for a while," Aja chuckled as she looked down on the suckling infant. "She's got to get nice and chunky, so Daddy can pinch her cheeks and rolls." Aja shook her head with a laugh.

She placed Angel against her chest before burping her. "We're parents, sunshine." Aja looked up at him and smiled widely. "I know. It's crazy isn't it. We made a human." Holden chuckled before nodding. Angel burped before yawning causing her parents to laugh. "Time for bed, little one." Holden said taking her from Aja. He kissed her head before placing her in her crib. "Sweet dreams." Aja let out a yawn and shook herself. "Food and then bed for you." Aja shook her head. "I need to get some work done." Holden shook his head no.

"You're on maternity leave for the next six months. I already sent out a memo that I would be taking a much-needed sabbatical. The guys and I decided it was best for you and our family, so you can't fight me." Aja sighed heavily before smirking at him. "Thank you." She pecked his lips before pulling back with a yawn. "Come on. I made some sandwiches and then it's off to bed you go." Aja nodded before grabbing his hand. "Stay with me." Holden kissed her hand before following her to the kitchen.

She finished up her lunch all while yawning every few minutes. When they made it to his room Aja smiled happily. Holden placed the monitor on the nightstand before climbing in after her. "I can't wait for the guys to meet her. I want them to feel what I feel." Holden shared as he caressed her arm. "I'm excited to see how they each respond. She's going to be so loved and I'm happy about that." Aja nuzzled into his neck and placed a kiss there. "I'm going to miss her while I'm gone, but I know she'll be taken care of. The two of you will." Aja smiled before nodding off to sleep. Holden listened as her breathing leveled out.

He left her to sleep while he prepped dinner. Angel woke up in need of a change and Holden smiled. He had watched countless tutorials and read all the books to become a master diaper changer. She settled down once she was clean and hung out with her dad. Holden talked to Angel as he held her with one arm and cooked with the other hand. She was so attentive and alert that Holden knew she was going to be as smart as her mother and all of her dads.

Dinner was ready and Angel was getting fussy. He knew she was getting hungry herself and Aja had yet to pump milk into any bottles. He was going to wake her up when she walked into the kitchen with a sleepy smile on her face. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." Aja chuckled taking a fussy Angel from his arms. "More like good evening. How was she?" Holden looked at his beautiful daughter as Aja sat down and unbuttoned her nightgown and smiled. "She was a literal angel. Her name truly fits her."

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