Chapter 15: Hit the Road Jack

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Aja sat in the office drinking tea and crossing off various items on her to-do list. She hadn't slept that night. All the sleep she had done the previous day threw her off. It was currently 8 am and she had a few more tasks to complete before she was done for the day. As Mr. Blanchet walked in dressed in a suit Aja couldn't help but smile widely. "Jack," she whispered before running into his arms. "Did you miss me, love?" She nodded happily before he crashed his lips against hers.

They stood their kissing one another so deeply that they forgot they needed to breathe. Aja reluctantly pulled back still smiling at him. "I have to tell you something." He looked at her curiously as she led him to the sofa in the middle of the office. "What is it, Aja?" Her smile was bright causing him to return it. "We're pregnant! You're going to be a Daddy!" He took in her excited eyes and warm smile, but he couldn't return it. Jack was feeling a lot of emotions, but the most potent one was anger.

"What did you say?" His tone was deadly and it made Aja lean back. "Are you fucking serious? You're pregnant!" He yelled standing up to his feet. Aja watched as the man she loved paced in front of her angrily. "Why are you upset?" Jack stared at her with such venom she recoiled. "What did you think I'd be happy about this? How could you possibly think that?!" He yelled louder. "Jack, I know this wasn't planned, but we can do this."

"I don't want to do this! Were you even on birth control? Was this your plan all along? Get knocked up by the wealthy mental patient!" Aja couldn't believe this was Jack in front of her. "I was on birth control, but nothing is 100%! I wasn't planning on getting pregnant, Jack. It was as much a shock to me as it is to you!"

Jack shook his head still pacing. She sat there for a while just staring at the man she loved. The man she thought she knew. "You have to get rid of it," he spoke up after moments of silently pacing. Aja looked as though he had slapped her.

"I am not getting an abortion and fuck you for even suggesting one!" Jack groaned as he ran his hand through his hair for the thousandth time. "Do you not see how insane this is? You can't raise a child alone and I can't raise a child in my condition." Aja glared at him.

"There are more people involved in this than just you and me, Jack. They are on board. They are excited as I thought you would be!" Aja yelled back standing to her feet. Jack looked at her like she was crazy. "You want to bring an innocent child into this madhouse!" He yelled stepping close to her. She instinctively covered her stomach with her arms.

He noticed the movement and stilled for a moment. "What if the child has this disorder? I wouldn't wish this life on my worst enemy." Aja stared at him intently. "DID is not genetic. You can't pass it down. Trauma is the key cause of DID and your traumatic event that led to the others appearance was the loss of your family. Our child will not have to experience such a loss." Jack chuckled at her menacingly.

"Trauma can cause DID. Do you think waking up every day as a child and meeting a new father isn't traumatic?! How stupid could you be Aja! You know deep down that I'm right. You bringing a baby into this mess is the dumbest thing and if you were as smart as I thought you'd get rid of it." Jack stormed out of the office leaving Aja alone and cold.

Aja sat back down on the sofa unblinking. She was beyond shocked. She didn't even expect this kind of reaction from Aiden, but definitely not Jack. He was her anchor and like one he was pulling her down. She let the tears fall. They had to come out.

She gave herself an hour to wallow before she had to get back to work. Aja remembered when her aunt was pregnant back in Angola. She always said negative emotions transferred to the baby just like positive ones. She didn't want her baby to experience anything bad and would regulate her emotions and handle this unforeseen problem in due time.

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