Chapter 13: How Will I Know

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Aja sat across from Jack and eyed him intently. She had just asked him what his thoughts were on telling Daniel after letting him know that Holden was now also aware of their situation. "Of what I know about Daniel I don't think he'll take the news well." Aja furrowed her eyebrows. She knew it would be a shock like it was for Holden, but she felt he could handle it. Aja couldn't deny though that Jack may have a point. Daniel was her artistic lover. He was happy and content in his animated bubble and she would not go bursting that if she didn't have to.

"I know that it may seem easier with them knowing, but there still other personalities and like Daniel I don't think they can handle it." Aja nodded at him and thought of the remaining two personalities that had yet to make an appearance. The fact remained that new personalities could emerge as well. "I won't tell him. Aja finally decided before closing up her laptop. It was already dinner time as the day was jampacked with items to get done for B & B. They were having a launch in a few months and Jack wanted everything to be perfect. He informed her that she would be traveling to New York for the east coast launch and she was both excited and nervous.

"Anders will be here while you're gone for those two days. I know he's leaving next week, but he's more than happy to step in whenever you need. He'll only be thirty minutes away from here, so that makes me comfortable about the whole thing." Aja talked to him about Holden's feelings on Anders' departure and listened to him divulge all that Anders had done for him and them. "He is the closest thing I have to a father. Honestly, he is more of a father to me than my real one was. I owe that man a lot."

Aja watched him sport a sad smile and sighed. She walked over to him and sat in his lap as she caressed his cheek and peck his lips. "What was that for?" He asked with a smile. "Because I love you and wanted to remind you of that." He chuckled at her before rubbing her butt. "Well, I love you too and I absolutely adore your body." He said kissing her neck. "Jack," Aja half whined half moaned. "A quickie," he negotiated causing her to roll her eyes. He had said the same thing that morning and hours later they were emerging from her room with her hair a mess and a happy smile on his face.

Time seemed to fly and a groove was set for Aja. She continued to wake up at dawn and sneak off to her designated room. She got dressed and ready as usual and waited in the kitchen for Mr. Blanchet. It was her idea for James to make a light breakfast and leave for the morning to come back when called moving forward in case Holden was present. She wasn't sure why Anders hadn't thought of that, but it seemed to be working for them.

Months flew by and Aja grew closer to each of her men. Their relationships were flourishing and Aja loved it. She didn't have to talk much about them with each beau as they focused more on their coupling. She shared the most information with Aiden and Jack as they asked, but never went into much detail. She respected all of her relationships and set healthy boundaries that protected the emotions and feelings of all her men despite them being the same person.

It had been nine months since she moved in and it seemed like everything had happened in fast forward for them. Aja was getting ready to travel for the launch and Aiden was a whining mess. "I don't want you to go." Aja smiled at him before pecking his lips. "Baby, I have to. Your business depends on this launch and I have to make sure everything works out accordingly." Aiden pouted. "But I need you, Ace. I need you hear with me. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Aja chuckled at him. "Aid, you were here on Sunday."

"Yeah, and now it's Thursday and you won't be back until Saturday morning. Who knows when I'll be back?" Aja could see that Aiden was seriously upset by her leaving. "What is this really about, babe? You know I'm coming back to you." He huffed. "Do I? What if you leave and meet some charismatic asshole and realize that our relationship is too unconventional for your liking? What if you leave and realize your life could look differently? Instead of being stuck in this house with crazy recluses like us you could actually be able to go out on dates and live a normal life."

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