Chapter 9: Toxic

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It was already noon and Aja had not seen Mr. Blanchet once. She was worried, but Anders told her not to be. "Max is here. He'll be holed up in his server room for the remainder of the day. Just bring him lunch and dinner. Don't say much. Introduce yourself and then get out." Aja carried the meatball sub with chips and Coke to the server room. She was worried about meeting Max after all that she'd heard and read about him. As she knocked on the door, she prayed things would go well and he would like her.

She knocked again after getting nothing and waited. She was about to knock once more when the door was yanked open. "What?!" Aja's eyes widened. Max looked like a stereotypical programmer. Hoodie and loose jeans with a beanie to complete the outfit. "I brought you lunch." Max looked down at her hands and huffed. He grabbed the items before slamming the door in her face. Aja's mouth hung open. She had never met someone so rude in her life. He couldn't even blurt out a thank you.

Aja turned to walk away, but stopped herself. She turned back around and knocked on the door harshly. "What in the actual fuck do you want?" Max bellowed after opening the door. "You don't know me and I don't know you, but I would appreciate it if we could be civil and respectful towards one another. I am Aja Evans your new assistant and I'd be happy to help you with anything you need." She gave him her brightest smile but he just stared at her blankly.

"Do you know anything about Assembly or even C++? Do you know how to code anything outside of maybe your childhood MySpace page? If you do then you're more than welcome to enter my sanctuary, but since you don't you can kindly fuck off." Max said before slamming the door in her face yet again. Aja was floored. This was Mr. Blanchet. A different persona, but still Mr. Blanchet and he hated her.

She knew what the others had said about Max, but for some reason she was banking on the luck she had with Daniel and Aiden, even Holden. She found herself in the office tying up loose ends with the Product department. She chuckled at the thought of her mother seeing her now. Aja could hear her saying 'My baby is a whole CEO' and laughed. She worked through the afternoon until she received an email from Max. It was the information they needed for the release.

Aja couldn't lie, the man was organized and detailed. He had provided everything the developers would need and then some. She changed the signature on the email and forwarded it to the IT department. She made her way to the kitchen where dinner was ready and grabbed a plate for Max. Just because he was belligerent and rude didn't mean she had to be. It was still her job to care for him and she would.

Aja knocked on the door and waited for it to be yanked open. To her surprise, it was opened normally revealing Max Blanchet. "I brought you dinner." He looked from her eyes to the plate and grunted a thank you. He reached for the plate but Aja moved it away. "May I eat with you?" Max realized she was holding two plates and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He walked back into the room and Aja was floored at how futuristic and techy the room looked. There were couches in the back with a table that she used to set their plates on.

Max ate in silence and Aja realized he probably liked it that way, but she was going to shake him up. "So, Max, tell me about yourself." Max looked at her bored. "Look Asia, I don't have time for this. I have projects and deadlines looming. I appreciate you bringing me food, but that's kind of in the job description. We're not friends so I don't care to get to know you and you don't need to know a damn thing about me. Don't confuse me letting you eat in here for interest or friendship. Just eat your food and get the hell out."

Aja looked at him taken aback. "Why are you so mean?" For the first time, Max smiled. "This is who I am, sweetheart and if you can't deal that's on you." Aja shook her head. "There's absolutely no reason for you to be as crass and aggressive as you are. You catch more flies with honey you know!" Max scoffed at her. "Good thing I don't give a flying fuck about some damn flies. I'm not like your little boyfriends, Asia. I'm not going to bend over backwards just to please you."

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