Chapter 16: I'm Not the Only One

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Daniel had woken up early the next morning and watched as his pregnant girlfriend snored away. He smiled and kissed her before heading out to his studio. The room looked the same except an easel he had moved to the back corner was in the center of the room with bright red arrows spray painted on the canvas. He knew he didn't do that and he didn't know where the envelope with his name on it came from either.

Daniel opened the letter thinking it was something from Aja, but he knew her handwriting and this wasn't it. He wasn't sure why he felt a little scared, but as he read the letter the feeling felt justified. He finally sat down and reread the letter for the fifth time. He had a mental disorder. Daniel couldn't believe it, but whoever this Aiden guy was did a great job of breaking things down. He mentioned the time jumps, but Daniel never really paid attention. There were no calendars in the house. He rarely got on the computer. He just trusted everything was as it should be.

He realized something may have been off when he met Aja. She always called him Mr. Blanchet early in the morning despite him telling her to call him Daniel. She continued to do it well into their relationship and now he knew why. She wasn't sure which him she was getting. He thought of her and frowned. How could they put her through this? She deserved a sense of normalcy and stability. She and the baby both did.

Daniel was so lost in thought he didn't notice Aja until she was sitting down next to him. "What is it, babe? What is that?" Daniel looked into her face etched with worry and concern and smiled. "A letter from Aiden." Aja's eyes bugged out. She grabbed the letter and quickly skimmed it before looking back at him. "How do you feel? Are you okay?" Daniel shrugged. "If I'm being honest, it all makes sense. I just couldn't see it." Aja nodded still staring at him intently.

"You won't lie to me, right?" Aja shook her head no. "I didn't want to tell you, because I feared what it would do to you mentally. I'm going to have to curse Aiden out for doing this, because your well-being is my top priority." Daniel smiled at her before pecking her lips. "I'm grateful to Aiden. I needed to know especially since the others all know. I hate being last." Aja couldn't help but chuckle at him. "No, I mean don't lie to me about your feelings. Are you happy here? Are you sure you want to raise the baby in this environment?"

Aja grabbed his face with both hands and captured his lips. The kiss was a strong one filled with love and emotion and everything in between. "I don't intend to be a single mother, Daniel. Our baby will be loved infinitely by their fathers and I wouldn't have it any other way." He searched her eyes for any dishonesty before smiling at her. "I may not be able to have a Jr., but I think the name Daniela is great for a girl." Aja laughed heartily at him. "I'll take that into consideration."

"I was thinking of painting the nursery and drawing a mural on one of the walls." Aja smiled at him. "I think that'd be wonderful." Daniel nodded before rubbing her stomach. "So, you have the love of five men and the excitement of five fathers surrounding you. How do you manage?" Aja wanted to smile, but her thoughts ran back to Jack. "What's wrong, angel?"

Aja filled Daniel in on everything that occurred with Jack and like Aiden he was livid. "Fuck him!" Aja had to make sure she was talking to Daniel and not Aiden. "It's not that simple, Daniel." He shook his head. "It is that simple. He doesn't want to be in the baby's life, so be it. He can stay in his room on days he's present after the birth and live the rest of his life as a fucking hermit instead of a doting father and boyfriend."

Aja stroked his hand as she could see he was getting really upset. Daniel wasn't sure what Aiden meant by being more present for Aja and supportive until now. "You're going to be fine, angel. You have me and the rest. You are more than loved and cared for. We would do anything for you and our baby. Don't you ever forget that." He kissed her lips before pulling her into his arms.

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