Chapter 6: Piece By Piece

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Aja found herself sitting with Anders in the kitchen. She was getting accustomed to sneaking away in the early morning. James had made French toast that morning and she and Anders ate happily as they went over the various options for her schedule. "What is the meaning of this?" Mr. Blanchet called out from the kitchen doorway. "Mr. Blanchet," Anders stood up with Aja following behind him. "Anders, you know I'm supposed to make the meals. I'm sorry I overslept, but ordering out is just plain rude!" Aja looked at him and gave a soft smile. She eyed Holden and took in his lax attire. He wore fitted jeans and a dress shirt rolled at the sleeves.

"Mr. Blanchet, I'm so sorry. I didn't want your new assistant to starve." It was as if Holden had just realized Aja's presence. She smiled widely at him and it overwhelmed him. He looked down and avoided her gaze which had her furrowing her eyebrows. "Mr. Blanchet, this is Ms. Aja Evans. She'll be your new assistant."

Holden stole glances at Aja before looking at Anders. "Anders, how many times must I tell you to call me Holden." Anders chuckled before raising his hands. "It's the British in me, sir." Aja stepped up to Holden and stretched out her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Blanchet." He eyed her wearily before engulfing her small hand with his large one.

Aja literally felt a shock and they both let go immediately. "Sorry." Holden whispered to her before looking back down. She knew he was shy, but she wasn't expecting this. His withdrawn behavior didn't match him physically. "You're fine, Mr. Blanchet. How can I help you this morning?" Holden looked at the dishes on the table and frowned.

"I guess we can check the garden for any vegetables and fruits that are ready to be picked." Aja nodded and smiled. "Okay." Holden said swiftly before walking away and out the backdoors. Aja smiled to herself before noticing Anders sneak James out the side door from where he hid in the pantry. She couldn't help but chuckle before following Holden to the garden.

"It really is beautiful. You did a great job with the garden, Mr. Blanchet." Holden peaked up at her before looking back down at the squash. "You can call me Holden and thank you." She smiled at him before kneeling down beside him. She was thankful that she decided on jeans and blouse today.

"You see how these tomatoes are colored and firm?" Holden asked earning a nod form Aja. "That's how you know they're ready. You can help me pick these tomatoes and I'll go check the fruit." Aja smiled at him and watched as his eyes bounced from hers to her lips. "Okay," Holden said to himself before getting up and shuffling away awkwardly.

He was adorable and Aja found the need to get under his shell her top priority. They spent a few hours pick and planting in the garden before making their way into the kitchen. "You know what you're going to make for lunch, Holden?" He looked at her and smiled a smile so bright she had to catch herself. He was a breath of fresh air. Innocent and pure.

"I'm going to use the butternut squash we picked and stuff it with wild rice and ground turkey." Aja's mouth began to water. "That sounds amazing. I can't wait to taste your cooking." He smiled at her once more before rinsing the vegetables. "I'm going to make some other dishes that I've been working on. Maybe you can try them and see if there any good." Aja smiled up at him before agreeing. "I would love that."

"You don't have to stay with me, you know. I know when I'm lost in the kitchen Anders is off doing things until I need him to taste test something. I'll call for you on the intercom when I need you." Aja nodded at him before heading off to the office. She was aware that the days when Holden, Daniel or Max were present she was able to focus more on B & B or learning tasks to better assist the personas and Jack. She spent the remainder of the morning sending off emails to the staff members. "Aja, lunch is ready." She heard Holden say over the intercom. "I'll be right there!" She responded before removing her finger from the button.

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