Chapter 3: Open Up

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Aja had felt like she had her senior years of high school and college cramming for a final exam. There was so much information. She was cataloging it all as best as possible, but between listening to Anders and stealing glances at Jack, Aja was emotionally, mentally and physically overwhelmed. "Penny for your thoughts," Jack asked leaning in the doorway. She smiled at him before shaking her head. "Was today too much?" He asked honestly looking her over.

She looked into his eyes and sighed. "It was and it wasn't if that makes sense. I know that there's a lot that comes with Mr. Blanchet and I guess I just want to do right by you. By all of you." Jack made his way in front of her and stared down into those expressive eyes that told him all he needed to know. She was scared, but not of him. She was scared that she would let him down. She was afraid that she'd let herself down.

He knew he shouldn't have, but in that moment, he threw caution to the wind and cupped her face. "You have nothing to be worried or afraid of, Aja. You are an amazing woman. You are smart and loving and everything I or my personas would love to have as a personal assistant and caretaker." He winked causing her to chuckle. "I really want to do right by you and them." She placed her hand over his and he thought he might melt. The spark he felt was instant and he knew she felt it too by the way her eyes slightly widened. 

"Aja, I know I shouldn't do this, but fuck it." Jack said before crashing his lips on hers. The kiss caught her off guard and they both knew it, but right as Jack was going to pull away Aja pulled him closer and kissed him back. He was almost regretting his decision to give into his desire, but as Aja moaned into his mouth allowing him to fully taste her, he reveled in it. Aja ran her hand up his bicep before running her hand through the hair at his nape. As she slightly scratched the nape of his neck, Jack let out a slight groan as a shiver ran through him.

They were forced to come up for air still staring at one another as they panted. "Jack," Aja began, but he stopped her. "I can't lie and apologize for that Aja. I'm not sorry and I really hope you don't regret it." Aja took a step back out of his arms still looking at him. "Jack, I'm stupid when it comes to this sort of thing. I jump in wholeheartedly and eventually get hurt in the process. I'm here for a job. I'm here to care for you and make sure you and your personas are okay and I don't think I can do that while entangled with you."

Jack made a step towards her but she took a step back. "Aja, please, I just...I know you have a job to do, but you can't deny this spark between us." Aja nodded then shook her head. "It's a spark now, but could turn out to be a forest fire after a while." He chuckled at her. She wasn't paying attention. She hadn't seen that he was slowly walking towards her the entire time like a lion to a gazelle. When his arms wrapped around her waist, Aja was shocked. "Jack!" He smirked at her before pecking her lips. "Jack!" Aja whined slashed moaned as he sucked on a spot beneath her ear.

"Give me a full day to convince you that being with me can be good. Let me have a chance to prove that I, Jack Blanchet, am right for you." Aja wanted to get lost in the lust-induced fog that surrounded her but couldn't. She pushed back a bit. "Jack, you know nothing about me." He caressed her cheek with a smile. "I actually know about everything there is to know about you. Anders does a full and detailed background check on any and everyone."

Aja scoffed at him and the thought of Anders running a background check on her. "There are things even a background check can't tell you." Jack nodded before pulling her close. "I want to know those things about you, Aja. I want to know everything and I want you to know everything about me." Aja could see the pleading and sincerity in his eyes and sighed. "Give us a chance, Aja." He looked down into her deep brown eyes and smiled. "I need to think about it." Jack frowned causing her to chuckle before pecking his lips. "I need to not just jump into this. I've done that before and it didn't end well."

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