Chapter 1: Long Story Short

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Aja found herself seated in a private office with a modern aesthetic to it. She had heard of B & B, Incorporated and admired the glass building in the heart of downtown from afar, but never had an opportunity to interact with the globally admired company. She tapped her foot anxiously as she waited for an interview, one she hadn't known she was applying for. Apparently, the company used a false name to sift through applicants, but the job description was correct. The position seemed good enough, a personal assistant, she could do that. She had done that previously to an insufferable woman, but she had done it. The issue was in the additional specifics for the position.

The job required the applicant to live with the CEO of B & B, Inc. It also mentioned the need to not only be the personal assistant, but the caretaker of the CEO. This is where her red flags were flying high. She had never heard or seen the CEO of the company as it was always reported that he was a reclusive and introverted man. She knew he was in his early thirties and wasn't sure why such a successful man at his age would need a caretaker, but she would hopefully get her answers once she met him. She had her reservations, but every time she looked at the compensation she would receive, the little devil on her shoulder would scream "WE ABOUT TO BE RICH, BITCH!"

She giggled to herself when she heard the door open and turned. An elderly gentleman walked in and Aja couldn't help but admire him. He moved with a distinguished air about him. He was tall and looked regal in a way. "Hello Ms. Evans, I am Anders Garnier. We spoke on the phone." He held out his large hand for her to shake and smiled softly. "Hello Mr. Garnier. Thank you so much for this opportunity." He chuckled to himself before sitting behind the desk. "Don't thank me yet. Let's see if this is something you can handle." Aja nodded before taking a seat.

"B & B, Inc. is a family business. It was founded by brothers Thomas and Jacques Blanchet in the 40's. The company has grown exponentially over the past few decades. It was going to be passed down to brothers Jack and Theo Blanchet when they became of age, but their family was involved in a terrible car accident killing Theo and their parents instantly. Jack was the sole survivor and the last living relative of the Blanchet line." Aja listened horrified at the untimely end to the Blanchet family. She could relate as she too lost her parents in a car crash.

"Jack was ten years old at the time. He didn't take it well as expected, but over the following months and years changes were noticed that ended up being a bigger issue than imagined." Anders took a deep breath as if to settle himself and prepare her for the worst. "Jack Blanchet is the CEO of B & B, Inc. He's been running it since he was 21 years old and for the most part does a good enough job as I've been his advisor and personal assistant all these years. However, it is time for me to step down and hopefully where you step in."

Aja shot him a smile and continued to listen. "This job is a tough one, Ms. Evans. It will require your full attention 24/7 and for good reason." He leaned forward as if to tell a secret causing Aja to lean forward a bit as well. "Mr. Blanchet has dissociative identity disorder (DID). He has 4 main personalities, his true self who is Jack, and a couple others that rarely make appearances. As his personal assistant and caretaker, it would be your responsibility to make sure his needs are met, he is cared for and this business stays afloat and runs smoothly.

Aja looked at him unblinking. "Are you alright, Ms. Evans?" Anders asked looking at her shocked and dazed face. "How was he able to run a globally respected corporation?" Anders smiled at her before leaning back. "That is where you come in. I have created various processes to ensure that 1) no one finds out about Mr. Blanchet's disorder and 2) the business runs without a hitch. Two of the four personalities think they are the CEO and play a role in ensuring the company's success." Anders handed her a thin blue binder and smiled as he encouraged her to open it. "These are all of the personalities that have made an appearance throughout the years. I've listed what they like and don't like, as well as, their age and what they bring to the company."

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