Chapter 23

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Sebastian and Ashley come out of his bedroom in the morning to find a note on the door:

    Went to get breakfast.
    Be back soon
    Love, Chris xo

"Oh." She turns back to Sebastian. "I'm gonna go take a shower then. They should be here for the fittings in a bit."

"Yeah sure." She starts to walk away, but Sebastian pulls her back to him, not wanting to let her go. "In case I never get to do this again." His insistent mouth was parting her lips, sending warmth through her as she felt like she was sinking into him. She realized he would always own a small piece of her, and it was his to do with what he liked and she didn't mind. He finally breaks away, worried he would never be able to stop. 

"Sebastian." She was out of breath and out of thoughts. He seemed to have kissed them all away leaving nothing but the sensation that his lips left urgently on her lips.

He smirks like he does, with that sideways grin he does when he knows he's caused trouble but doesn't care. "You were going to take a shower, remember?" She watches him bite his lip thinking about how much she wanted to bite it.

Eventually her eyes meet his and she is brought back to reality, "Right. Shower." She walks away before she clung to him and never let go. 


Chris comes back to Sebastian reading in the living room. "Hey. Where is Ash?"

"Shower. Hey, are we.."

"We're fine Sebastian. Really. I'd rather not talk about it." He goes to the kitchen and Sebastian follows him. Before Sebastian can say anything else, they see Ashley come in the kitchen, hair still wet. She wore shorts and a hoodie, and it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. She notices them both looking at her, making her feel insecure until she noticed how they were looking at her. As if she was something to be devoured, and they were both hungry.

"Okay. Stop." She blushes and they both realize they are staring and look at each other. She sits at the kitchen counter seeing what Chris brought home. "You got Dunkin's?" 

"Right. Yes!" He hands her a cup, "Sebastian mentioned coffee was making you nauseous, so I got you a chai." 

She felt her eyes get real big as she felt her heart swell at the thoughtfulness. She didn't know why she was so surprised, Chris was always thoughtful. "Chris. Thank you. That's perfect." 

He smiles and hands a cup to Sebastian, "Vanilla latte."

"Thanks." Sebastian shares a look with Ashley, they were both surprised at how he was acting. She knew he said he never wanted to talk about it, but he was acting as if nothing had happened at all.

She looks back at Chris as he hands her a sandwich, "bacon and egg croissant."

"Did you get any of those hash browns?" She leans forward as he pulls out something else and hands her two bags of hash browns making her squeal. Both men just laugh at her being excited over food.

Chris looks at her concerned, "Have you been sick today?"

She looks at Sebastian and shakes her head. "I haven't actually. First morning in a while that I haven't."

Chris smiles real big, "good because I also got you donuts." He opens the box, "I made sure they put a few of those apple ones you like in there."

"Oh my god Chris!! You're so great. I love you." 

He leans to her, grabbing her chin in his hand and bringing her lips to his. "I love you."

Sebastian watches the intimate moment between them and for the first time he doesn't feel jealousy. All he felt was love, the love he had for both of them, the love they had for each other, the love he knew they both had for him. 


They all barely make it through breakfast when they hear a knock on the door. Chris looks at her, knowing she was about to feel overwhelmed, "Here we go."

He opens the door as they are bombarded by stylists, and his pr team and personal assistant and manager. She sits with Sebastian as Chris tries on his tux first. He steps out of the bedroom in a wine colored plush tux.

Ashley stands up and walks up to him, not being able to control herself, "You look hot!" She runs her hands over his arms. "I'm going to enjoy taking that off after the party." Chris smirks at her, thinking about her undressing him. He looks her up and down before going back to the room and changing out of it. 

He comes out and sits next to Sebastian, "Okay. Your turn, love."

Ashley steps into the room with the stylist and she helps her put the dress they picked out on. She opens the door and steps out for them to see. She picked out a low cut dusty pink A-line dress with lace appliques. The stylist walks around you, "Have you gained weight?" She blushes and looks at Chris and Sebastian. "Are your boobs bigger?"

Ashley looks down and then back at the stylist, "not that I've noticed."

"I have!" She hears both guys speak in unison as they both laugh.

"Okay. Fuck you both." She pouts and crosses her arms in front of her.

Chris stands up next to her. "We haven't told anyone yet, but she's pregnant. So yeah, she probably has gained weight." He rubs her back knowing she was now probably feeling insecure.

His manager walks up to them, "So you're engaged and pregnant? Is that why you're getting married?"

Chris suddenly gets irritated at the thought, "What? No."

He feels Ashley grab his hand, "Just a happy coincidence."

His manager continues, "So you plan on announcing the engagement this weekend, but not the pregnancy?"

Chris answers for them. "Right. She's wearing the ring, we'll announce the baby when we're ready."

His manager looks annoyed but gives in. The stylist messes with Ashley's dress, "I'll take the top out just a little so it is more comfortable."

"Thank you." Ashley looks up at the guys, "Wait, you haven't seen the best part. Pockets!" She puts her hands in the pockets and spins around, making them laugh.

As she goes back into the bedroom to change, Chris' manager pulls him off to the side. "Why is Sebastian here?"

"What do you mean? He's my, he's our friend."

"And you're sure the baby is yours."

"What?! Of course I'm sure. How can you even ask me that?"

"I don't know. Wasn't she with him before? I just need to know what's going on."

"Nothing is going on. Sebastian is our friend. We're getting married, we're having a baby. That's it. Nothing else to tell."

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