Chapter 10

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They spend the next two weeks mostly in the hotel room getting to know each other more intimately when it's time for Chris to go home to Boston.
"Are you going to come with me?" They stand in the room with his arms wrapped around her waist.

"I am. But I need to go home first. Come with me?"

"Yeah. Of course. I'll meet you downstairs. Gonna check out."

They arrive back at her apartment and she starts emptying her suit case to load it with new clothes when she hears Annie come home. She comes out of her bedroom to find Annie talking to Chris. "Hi!"

"Hey. I was just telling your boyfriend here that he's been commandeering all your time."

They laugh. "Hey. I'm sorry."

Annie gives her friend a hug. "I'm mostly joking. I'm just glad you're happy. You guys have been seen all over New York. Where are you going now."

She turns to Chris. "Can you wait in my room so I can talk to Annie?"

"Oh. Of course." He gets up from the counter and goes to her room and closes the door.

She turns back to her friend. "I'm going to Boston with him for a few days. He wants me to meet his mom and sisters. I'm a little nervous."

"Yeah? How are things though? You're happy?"

"So happy. Everything is great. Too great maybe." She laughs.

"You have to remember even though you've only been together a few weeks, you guys have known each other for a few years. And he has been here a lot over the last year. Go to Boston. I'm sure his mom will love you. Have you thought about work? I know you have a rich boyfriend now, but.."

Ashley laughs. "Actually." She holds her hand up and opens her door and motions for Chris to come out. "When we haven't been in bed, I've been trying to find another job. I found one that will let me freelance. I can still do interviews and articles. And my first one will be next month interviewing this guy." She nudges Chris.

"Wait, really?" He smiles at her.

"Yes. I get to come with you on your press tour. I mean, if you want me to."

He wraps his hands around her waist. "I do want. That would be so great." He bends down and kisses her.

"Are you sure? I mean I don't want to intrude, or seem clingy or...."

"Shh." He kisses her again. "I was going to ask if you wanted to come with me."


They arrive in Boston together and he takes her to his house for them to change and clean up before arriving at his mom's place. Before he opens the front door, he turns to her. "Hey. Don't be nervous okay? It's been a while since I've brought a girl home, and I didn't tell them I was bringing you. So, I'm sure they will hound you."

Ashley doesn't say anything, she just sighs and nods. He grabs her hand and leads her inside. "Mom?" He leads her to the kitchen where they find his mom and two sisters. He lets go of her and hugs them all.
He grabs her hand again and makes her take a step forward. "This is Ashley." He motions to his mom and sisters. "This is my mom, Lisa. And my sisters, Shanna and Carly."

"Hi." She reaches out and shakes each of their hands gently.

His mom speaks up first, "And how long have you guys been together?"

Chris speaks before she can say anything, "A few weeks. But we've known each other for a few years."

Ashley hears one of his sisters whisper to their mom, "She was dating Sebastian a bit ago."

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