Chapter 21

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"Sebastian? Chris?" Ashley wanders around trying to find the guys when she hears yelling from downstairs. She laughs and grabs some beers from the fridge. She goes downstairs and finds them playing a game.

Chris looks up at her, "Hey love. We didn't wake you up did we?"

"No no." She hands them both a beer and sits between them. She grabs a blanket and lays her head on Chris' lap, her feet on Sebastian's.

Chris laughs and looks at Sebastian who just shrugs.

She lays there for almost a half hour before sitting up. She groans, "I'm hungry." Sebastian laughs.

Chris looks at her, "What do you want love?"

"Ugh. I don't know."

Sebastian stands up and looks at Chris, "Can I use your car? I'll go get something."

Chris shrugs, "Sure. Go ahead."

Sebastian leaves and Ashley climbs onto Chris' lap. "Alone."

He laughs, "Hello there." He tosses the game controller and wraps his arms around her waist.

She moans as she kisses him. "Hey. You're okay with Sebastian being here for a few days right?"

He runs his fingers through her hair, "Of course love. I told him already it was fine. You haven't really got any friends here. You guys are close, that doesn't bother me. I love you."

"I love you too. Thank you Chris." She pulls him back in for a kiss before Dodger interrupts them by jumping on them. They both laugh, "I guess he has to go out, I'll take him." He groans as she leaves his lap.

She laughs and heads upstairs. She lets out Dodger and heads to the kitchen.

Chris finds her rummaging through the fridge. "Sebastian went to get food."

She shuts the door and turns around. "I know. I'm impatient. I don't even know really what I want." They both laugh. "I'm gonna go lay down, let me know when he gets back."

"Sure love."


Chris laughs when Sebastian comes in the house a little over an hour later. "What is all this."

"Well. She's pregnant, but I didn't know what she wanted exactly, or what she could no longer have. Since I found out she can't do coffee anymore."

"Wait, she can't have coffee?"

Sebastian hesitates, "Sorry, she said this morning it made her nauseous when I tried to give her some." He motions to the bags, "So anyways, I just got some of her favorites." Chris starts to feel a little insecure at Sebastian knowing her so much better than he did. "Hey I'm sorry Chris. If I've overstepped.."

He puts his hand up, "No. Of course not. I'm glad you're here." He laughs as he starts to unpack all the food.

The ruckus seems to wake Ashley as she comes out into the kitchen and sees all the food. "Sebastian, how many pregnant women are you trying to feed?"

They all laugh, "Well. I didn't know what you wanted, so whatever you don't, Chris and I will eat." He starts pointing to all the food. "I got fish and chips, fried rice and eggs rolls, tacos, burgers, dumplings. Oh!" He pulls out a box and opens it, "I found cannolis."

"Sebastian! Oh my god. You're the best! Thank you!" She kisses him on the cheek and grabs the cannolis and sits at the counter.

The boys laugh as she starts eating a little bit of everything. She suddenly notices them watching her as she bites into a cheeseburger, "What?"

The boys look at each other and Chris answers, "Nothing love. It's good to see you finally eat something." His phone rings and he leaves the room.

Sebastian sits at the counter next to her. "I do okay?" He laughs and grabs a dumpling.

"You did perfect Sebastian. Thank you."

He nudges her, "I think Chris is feeling a bit insecure, that I know you better than him."

"Oh. I'll talk to him later. Thanks." She nudges him back and he laughs.

Chris comes back into the room, "That was my mom, she needs help moving something or something. I'll be back." He kisses Ashley on the forehead and leaves.

She nudges Sebastian again, "You didn't happen to get ice cream by chance?"

He laughs and stands up and opens the freezer. He sets a container of Rocky Road in front of her.
"Seb!!" She squeals as he laughs. "You really are the best. Come downstairs and watch a movie with me?"

He smiles. "Sure. Let me just put this food away."

She grabs the fish and chips and the ice cream and heads downstairs, hearing him laugh behind her. She sits on the couch in the basement and finds an old romcom. She has just about finished the fish and chips when she hears Sebastian come downstairs. "Seb, can you get..." She stops when he steps in front of her and sets a cup of tea and a water bottle in front of her.

"I didn't see you grab anything to drink." He smiles and sits next to her.

She grabs the ice cream and opens it and hands him a spoon. "Thank you."

"Of course, doll."

She scoots close to him, laying her head on his shoulder as they eat the ice cream in silence. After a while she sets it on the table. "Can you take it back upstairs? I'm sorry."

He stands up and grabs it, "Don't be." He comes back to the same spot and puts his hand on her thigh. She grabs his hand, interlocking her fingers in his. He looks down at their hands and then up at her. He had missed holding her hand, he hadn't realized how much. His intense stares always made her nervous as he sat there looking at her. Sebastian brings his hand to her face, caressing it softly, making her heart skip a beat. "I should go." He stands up and leaves for his own room.

She groans, left alone in the basement. She started to think maybe it wasn't a good idea to have him stay there. She goes upstairs and paces outside his door, startled when he opens it.

"I heard you pacing." He crosses his arms and stands in the doorway. "What do you want, doll?"
She stops and looks at him. "I don't know."

He leans against the doorframe, arms still crossed. "Yes you do. Nobody knows you as well as I do." She takes a step towards him and he puts his hand at the crook of her neck, his thumb caressing her cheek. "I need you to go to your room. Please. I love you. But go to your room. Now."

His eyes were dark and pleading. She knew he wouldn't be able to stop. She wasn't sure if she would be able to either. Thankfully her stomach saved them both as she runs to her bedroom and slams the door.

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