Chapter 22

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Chris arrives back home to Sebastian eating in the kitchen. "Hey. Where's Ash?"

"In her room last I checked. I think she got sick again. How often is that happening?"

Chris groans and sits next to Sebastian. "All the time really. This might have been the longest she lasted though." He nudged Sebastian. "Thanks. I realize you know her far better than I do. I worry we might have rushed into this."

"What?!" He puts down his food. "She loves you. And she's pregnant. It's kind of too late for regrets don't you think?"

Chris shakes his head. "I just mean I wish I would have taken more time to get to know her. Her favorites. Flowers, ice cream, dessert, movie to cry to. I don't know. We didn't really get a chance to date properly."

Sebastian stands up and puts his stuff in the sink. "White daisies, Rocky Road, cannolis, Love Actually or PS I Love You."

Chris sits there a little sad and annoyed. He felt like Sebastian just punched him in the gut. He looks up at his friend and sees his own sadness for having to see them together as he leans on the counter. "Sebastian. I'm sorry."

He just shakes his head, "what for?"

"For complaining. I'm sorry. I guess I'm jealous that you know so much more about her than I do."

"Well. That's all stuff you can learn. You have plenty of time. It's only been a few months. I've known her for a few years. I'm jealous of you. It takes every ounce of self control I have to not kiss her. Even now. I thought the urge would dull. So I'm the one that should be sorry."

Chris sees a tear roll down his friends face. "Seb. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I shouldn't have stayed. It's my own fault. Tell her goodbye for me will you?" He walks back to his room and puts his stuff in his bag.

He's startled by Chris leaning on the doorframe. "You can't do that. You can't just leave her. Not like this."

"I have to. Don't you understand?" He starts to get angry. "I want her!" He points towards the bedroom she shares with Chris. He sits on the bed as more tears start to come. "I thought I could do it. I thought I could be friends with her. But I don't think I can. At least not yet. Not while I still want her like this. I'm sorry Chris."

"Sebastian? Please don't go." They're both startled by Ashley walking up behind Chris. Neither of them sure of what she heard exactly. She stood there crying, looking at them.

Sebastian stands up, "I'm sorry. I can't stay."

Chris turns to her, "I'll leave you guys alone."

Sebastian laughs, raising his voice. "Haven't you been listening? You can't leave her alone with me."

"Oh I've heard you. Believe me." He looks back at Ashley, "You may know all of her favorites, but I know her too. I've known there was something here since you arrived here. It's fine."

She steps up to him, "Chris what do you mean by it's fine? What are you saying?"

He puts his hands on her shoulders. "I mean," he looks at Sebastian and then back at her, "I don't ever want to talk about these few days. Okay? I'm going to bed." He kisses her on the cheek and walks away.

She follows him back to their room. "Chris? I don't understand."

"I'm going to bed. Spend the night in Sebastian's room. Just don't ever tell me about it. Please."


He laughs. "Come on. I'm not stupid. I know you want him as much as he wants you. At least he's honest about it."

She looks down as she starts to cry, "Chris. I don't.."

He pulls her into a hug. "I love you. And I know you love me too. And it's fine. It doesn't change anything here between us. Now please. Go. It's fine." He kisses her softly on the lips and closes the bedroom door with her standing in the hallway.

She paces outside Sebastian's room until he opens the door and just looks at her. She stops when she hears his door and locks eyes with him. He had been crying and all she wanted to do was wrap him in a hug and hold him all night. Her eyes fall to his lips craving them like she hadn't in so long. She wanted them all over her. Her body suddenly felt lacking at the thought that his hands and his lips weren't exploring her body like he had done so many times before.

Not being able to control his passion any longer, he finally grabs her hand and pulls her into his room and slams the door. His lips crash into hers as she lets out a needy moan. They quickly remove each other's clothes and fall into the bed. They both moan as his length fully penetrates her. "God I've missed you so much." His scruff tickles her neck as he whispers in her ear before kissing her neck. 

"Me too Sebastian." She grabs his face to bring it back to hers kissing him as he lets out a breathy moan. His tongue finds hers, lunging deep inside her mouth dancing with hers. She forgot how much she missed that tongue. She started feeling warm, their skin like fire from their bodies burning the passion they had tried to keep locked away for so long. It sears them with sensation until it builds up and they both explode like a volcano in pleasure and lust. 

She lays next to him in bed, "Fuck. I forgot how good we were at that."

Sebastian laughs. "It's been a while. I don't know if this is a good idea." He turns to face her, taking in the sight of her naked body that he hadn't seen in so long. He starts tracing his finger on her body; all her hills, mounds, valleys. 

"What do you mean?" She got chills from his touch, she had missed it.

"I mean I think Chris is hoping we'll get it out of our systems. But it may back fire."

She turns to face Sebastian. "I know." She brings her hand to his face, she knew he had been trying so hard to stay away from her, for her and for Chris' sake. It was her who invited him, who insisted he come when he tried to back out of the invitation. She was being selfish and she knew it. She sits up tucking her knees to her chest as the flood gates break free from her control.

"Hey. It'll be okay." He tries to comfort her, rubbing her back, wiping away her tears to no avail. So he retires to just holding her until she finished. "I love you." 

She lays down, her body magnetized to his, pressing it firmly against his as they sleep.

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