Thanks and News

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Okay! That's one story down, 6 more to edit and repost. For those of you who decided to read this again, after I took it down from my old account, thank you for your support and for rereading this story.

To those who are new, hello and a warm welcome to all of you, I hope you stick around for the other adventures that I have written.

The next book I'm posting is called Quest of the Emblems. Though it didn't do that well on my last account, I still like the story and want to repost it here. Those who have already read it, be aware that I have made a few changes to respect certain boundaries.

I have 2 bonus chapters of Loving You is a Crime in my Snippets and Extras book, which are Sapnap and Karl adopting their first child, and the Skephalo wedding. They have the letters LYC in their chapter title, so do check it out if you are interested. 

That's all for now

See you on the next adventure

-Le2zel (^○^)/ 

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