Chapter 3

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Now usually people would drink their problems away, not Dream. He made a promise to himself to never resort to that, and instead decided to talk about his problems. Unfortunately for him, the person that he wanted to talk to the most, was no longer in this world, and his other friend was currently mad at him.

Dream had shut down completely when it happened, and for the first few months he refused to leave his house. If it wasn't for Sapnap checking on him daily, he would have starved to death. He knew that he had to move on eventually, but how?

Dream managed to make it back to his home safely, where he took some leftovers that Sapnap had given him that morning from the fridge and placed it in the microwave. He lacked the motivation to cook anything lately.

He then made his way to his closet, and grabbed a box from the top shelf. He brought the box to living room and sat on the couch. A wave of nostalgia hit him as he opened it.

The box was filled to the brim with photos that either he or Sapnap took, and random junk that George picked up whenever they went on a trip.

Dream went through the contents of the box, smiling and shedding a few tears till he reached the bottom of it. The last item was a photo that he hadn't seen in a while.

He was around 7 years old when it was taken. It was a picture of him smiling and hugging a 10 year old George, with both of their parents standing on either side of them.

Their parents were close friends since college, so it was a given that he and George were the best of friends since the day they met.

He leaned back on his couch, the photo still in his hands as he lets the memory take over.

Will contain violence and murder

They had spent the entire day together at an amusement park, and were now resting at Dream's house. While their parents chatted in the living room, the two boys ran upstairs to play.

Suddenly they both heard screams and shouts from downstairs. Curious, the two boys crept down the stairs, and hid in the closet that had a clear view of living room so they could see what was happening.

They lived to regret that decision... for they watched helplessly as their parents were shot by a gang of robbers.

Dream was completely frozen in his spot as the robbers ransacked his house, looking for anything of value. George manage to pull him further into the closet, and hid them both behind a stack of clothes, where they held onto each other for dear life.

He felt George tense up when one of the robbers stopped in front of the closet that they were hiding in, but the robber didn't get a chance to open it. The perpetrators made a speedy escape as the sound of police sirens got closer.

The two boys stayed where they were, until the closet door was opened by a kind looking man. He walked towards where they were hiding, and pushed the clothes away. Dream and George looked up to see the man giving them with a sympathetic smile on his face.

Just then a voice spoke up from behind the man, "We wrapped up the parents but haven't found the kids yet Fruit, you don't think..."

"No, they didn't take the kids Illumina," the kind man responded to his friend.

Illumina walked up to Fruitberries wondering why his partner sounded so sure. "If that's so, then where ar- oh..."

Illumina looked down at the two frightened boys, did they see everything?

"What are we going to do with them?" he asked his partner.

Fruitberries didn't answer, instead he knelt down so that he was eye level with the boys.

"Hello there." He said and the boys tensed up.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you, I'm so sorry that you saw all of that."
He reached into his pocket and pulled out some photos, "These were on the living room table, I thought you might want them."

The boys took the photos from him, and looked through them. They were taken just this morning, and their parents made sure to print them out so they could immediately add them to their photo albums.

Dream and George could no longer hold back their tears, and soon they were both bawling.

Illumina reached down to hug them, and Fruitberries patted them both on the back.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of you."

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