Chapter 11

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Dream was slowly closing in on the Reaper, thanks to his parkour skills he was able to avoid all the obstacles that slowed the Reaper down.

When he finally got close enough he leaped forward, and tackled the Reaper to the ground. Dream flipped him over so that the Reaper was now facing upward, then straddled him so that he couldn't get away.

The Reaper struggled to get Dream off him, but the blonde had a firm grip on both of the Reaper's wrists. Dream pinned them above the Reaper's head with one hand, and with his other he reached down to pull the Reaper's mask off.

His breath hitch and his strength left him as his green eyes met the Reaper's angry brown ones, that were almost the same shade as the Reaper's hair.


Dream was cut off as he felt a punch connect to his cheek. Dazed and confused, Dream recoiled back only to receive a strong kick to his stomach.

Dream doubled over in pain and felt the Reaper grab his mask back, and placed it on before jumping down from the building. Dream struggled to get up and limped over to the ledge, only to find a busy street with the Reaper nowhere in sight.

Sapnap finally caught up and ran over to check on his friend, "That was incredible Dream, you actually held down the Reaper for a few minutes. Did you get a good look at him?" Sapnap asked excitedly.

Dream hesitated for a few seconds then shook his head. "No, sorry."

"That fine, at least we know that we're on the right track, all we got to do is try again."

Dream gave his friend a small smile, and they headed back to the hotel. Sapnap was informing Karl and the other agents on what had happened, while Dream was lost in his thoughts.

That was George, he's alive, and he's also the Reaper, but why? Why is he doing this? The George I knew would never kill without reason. Is he an enemy now...does this mean that I have to capture him?

Dream was brought out of his thoughts by Sapnap calling out to him.

"You okay Dream?" Sapnap asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Yeah just a bit tired, it's probably from the rush of adrenaline I just had." Dream responded forcing on a smile.

"Okay, well you head on home, I'll wrap things up here," Sapnap said.

Dream nodded at his friend and got into the car. The driver dropped him off at his house, then left to pick up Sapnap and Karl.

Dream dragged himself inside and tumbled onto his bed. He placed an arm over his eyes when he felt a few tears forming.

"He's alive, but what do I do now?"

Exhausted from the day that he just had, he instantly fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning Dream hastily cleaned himself up, and drove to the agency. When he reached the computer lab he found Bad and Skeppy slumped over their desk sleeping. Sensing someone in the room, Bad slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning Dream," he greeted with a sleepy smile.

"Good morning Bad, did you guys pull an all-nighter?"

"Yeah...we decided to keep tabs on the other targets to see if we can find the next one on the Reaper's list."

Dream smiled, they were working so hard. "Bad, why don't you take Skeppy down to the cafe and have yourselves a good breakfast. I'll take care of things here while you're away."

Bad happily took up the offer, and went over to Skeppy to wake him up. Skeppy was still a bit disoriented, so Bad had to hold onto his waist and guide him down to the cafe.

Once they were gone Dream went straight to work, he had to find George's next target.

I'll confront him first, if he really has become a threat to society, then I will have no choice but to stop him using any means necessary.

He discovered that one of the possible targets was hosting a masquerade ball later that day. He checked where the party was being held, and found out that it was a two hour drive away.

This has got to be it, Dream said to himself, as he wrote down the address, and made sure to erase any trace of what he was up to.

He then waited for Bad and Skeppy to return before making his way to the wardrobe department.

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