Chapter 13

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"It's nice to see you too George," Dream replied calmly, a little amused that he had to look down in order to meet George's eyes.

Dream had long surpassed the brunette in height, despite being younger.

"Where's your back up?" George asked.

"I'm here all alone George, it's just you and me," Dream answered in a teasingly seductive manner.

The agent did not miss to notice the slight tinge of blush, that dusted George's face when he said it.

"You're awfully calm for someone who has a knife to their throat," George remarked.

"It's because I know you won't do it Georgie," Dream replied with a smirk, "As a matter of fact you can't."

"Don't test me Dream," George warned in a serious tone. He was trying so hard to sound scary, which amused the blonde.

In a quick set of moves Dream managed to push George's hand, that had the knife, away then grab the brunette by his shirt and pinned him to the wall, with George facing towards it.

Dream then leaned in and whispered into George's ear. "Don't you remember George? When it comes to pinning someone to a wall, height is an advantage."

George pushed off the wall and turned quickly so he now was facing Dream, catching the latter by surprise and tried to punch him.

Dream quickly recovered from the initial shock, stopped both of the punches, then grabbed George's wrist and pinned them above the brunette's head.

"Looks like I'm still better than you at hand to hand combat," Dream stated with a smile.

"Let me go Dream," George ordered angrily, as he struggled to get out of the blonde's grip.

He stopped twitching however when he saw Dream look at him with so much pain and sadness in his eyes.

"You were alive all this time and never thought to contact us," Dream said lowering his head to rest on George's shoulder.

This action surprised the assassin, and though Dream's grip on him weakened, he made no effort to escape.

"Do you know how much the news of your death affected Sapnap and me, do you even care?" Dream continued his voice getting shaky.

Dream had now completely released his hold on George, his hands were dropped by his side as he let the tears fall.

George felt the wall that he had built to hold back his emotions break, when he felt the blonde's tears dampen his suit.

He reached up and ran his hand through Dream's hair, and the other across the blonde's back in an attempt to calm him down.

After a few minutes Dream stepped back to take off his mask, and wipe away the tears. Then he turned to look at George who looked back at him with concern.

Dream took in a deep breath, "Why are you doing all these murders?"

He saw a flash of fear in George's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a cold glare.

"It's none of your business," he replied.

"Yes it is George, you're one of my best friends. You're the kindest person I've ever met, so I can't understand how someone like you can do this. Don't you remember the promise we made that night, how we would become strong enough to protect everyone?" Dream stated, his voice clearly showing how upset he was.

George remained silent and directed his gaze to the floor. Dream grabbed both of his shoulders, forcing the brunette to look at him.

"You do realize that I have to arrest you right? And unless you tell me what's going on I can't defend you." Dream pointed out. He was desperate to know what was going on, but George was not cooperating.

George shrugged the blonde's hands off him, "Stay out of my way Dream," he warned before starting to walk away.

"Geo-" Dream tried to call out, but was cut off when the brunette grabbed the edge of the heavy curtain and threw it over Dream, preventing the agent from following him.

After wrestling with the curtain for a few seconds the blonde finally manage to escape, but by then George was long gone.

George watched from afar as Dream scanned the room hoping to find him once again.

I'm sorry Dream, but I can't let anything happen to you or Sapnap, forgive me.

George then turned his attention to his target, who was heading towards the restroom. It's all going according to the plan...

George waited some time before following his target.

He noticed that there was a man watching who was going in and out of the restroom.

Must be an agent, well it won't make much of a difference for me, George thought as he walked in.

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