Chapter 22

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Wilbur woke up in cold sweat, he sat up and tried to control his breathing, while running his fingers through his hair.

Will the nightmares ever end?

He then got out of bed and headed to the the living room. He stopped to check on Fundy and Eret, who were still snoring away in their room, and Tommy and Tubbo who were passed out on a mattress in the living room, the TV was on but the volume was low.

Since Philza wasn't informed that they would have extra members, they had to do the best they could to fit all six of them in three rooms. They had to give Niki privacy so she took one room, Eret and Fundy offered to bunk together, and the two rookies were excited with the idea of staying up all night and watching TV.

Guess they fell asleep, Wilbur thought as he reached for the remote and turned the TV off.

He was headed to the door when Niki came out of her room and spotted him. "Wil? Where are you going?" She asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Just taking a morning stroll, I'll be back in time for breakfast," He said, sending a smile her way before he walked out the door.

Wilbur let out a sigh before heading towards a nearby park. He knew that she was worried about him, he hasn't been the same since the incident. The agents who survived had all quit, much too traumatize with what had happened. He decided to stay, he had to find the organization responsible for that incident.

He remembered the man's chilling words. If Wilbur's hunch was correct, the "children of Stellar" meant the students of Stellar academy, that meant that the targets of that bomb were him and George, as they were the only ones on the team who came from the academy. They had succeed with one target, and they would likely come for him soon.

He reached the park and decided to gather his thoughts on one of the park's benches. According to Dream, the Reaper was targeting expelled students of the academy. It was quite possible that the Reaper was part of the organization as well. That was one of the reasons why he wanted to join the team in the US despite being the Head of the UK branch.

Maybe I should check in and see how the substitute head is doing, Wilbur thought, before pulling out his phone and contacting his assistant through a video call.

"Hey Chief!" A man with a red shirt cheerily spoke through the phone.

"Hey Grian," Wilbur said with a small smile. "How's everything back home?" he asked.

"Everything's fine, I'm sure majority of the agents would agree that I'm doing a good job so far." Grian said beaming even brighter.

Just then someone entered the room that Grian was in, "Oh hey Mumbo! I'm talking with the Chief right now, do you want to say hi?" he asked.

Wilbur could hear Mumbo letting out a sigh before he spoke up, "Grian... mind explaining why there are chickens in the mail room."

Wilbur saw Grian's smile wavering as the man let out a nervous chuckle.

Wilbur sighed, "Gri-"

"Got to go Chief, Bye!" Grian hastily said cutting Wilbur off and ending the call.

Wilbur let out a little laugh, Grian was good leader but the man's obsessions with pranks prevented him from becoming chief when the previous one retired. Wilbur was chosen instead. he planned to refuse the position but Grian encouraged him to take it saying, "You're the only person I know who won't fire me even if my pranks get out of hand."

After taking a few more minutes Wilbur decided it was about time to head back. Wilbur was lost in his thoughts and kept his gaze to the ground, so it was no surprise that he bumped into someone carrying bags full of groceries.

"Oh sorry I wasn't looking at where I was going." Wilbur said.

The man faced the opposite way and mumbled an It's alright before hurrying away. Wilbur found his behavior odd and was wondered why the man felt familiar. He started following the man but eventually lost him and gave up. Wilbur then made his way back to the hotel.


George ducked behind a corner and waited there for a bit before glancing out, he spotted Wilbur who seemed to still be looking for him.

I was careless, George thought gripping onto the bags he was carrying. He too was lost in thought when he bumped into Wilbur. He had to look the other way so Wilbur wouldn't recognize him, and realized too late that his actions only made him seem suspicious, which is probably why Wilbur started following him.

He saw Wilbur look around for a bit more before he finally turning to leave. George felt his knees go weak and let out a sigh of relief. He then came out of his hiding spot, and continued to walk back to Dream's house.

Wilbur looks tired, I hope he isn't working to hard. Sapnap did mention that he became a branch Chief, George thought.

He had felt pretty lonely when he first arrived at the branch, but Wilbur was there to offer him company. As much as he missed his friend, George knew that this was not the time to reveal that he was still alive.

When he reached the house, Dream and Sapnap were still sleeping. He didn't know how but they had managed to kick off the blanket in their sleep, and where now shivering. George tip toed to them and pulled the blanket over them. He then headed to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast.

When he was done he headed over to wake Dream and Sapnap up, but stopped in his tracks when he heard a ding come from his laptop. He had forgotten that he left it running the whole night. George walked over to see what the problem was and felt his breath hitch in his throat.

I finally found you, George thought as he memorized the address, and quickly went to grab his gun and a few other things. He wrote a note for Dream and Sapnap before he left and called a cab to take him to his next target.

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