Chapter 9

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The minute they reached the office, Sapnap and Dream both explained the situation.

"This seems serious, we will do whatever we can to help you," Fruitberries stated, then nodded to Illumina.

"I believe this will come in handy," Illumina said as he handed them an external drive. "All the information you need is in there."

Dream looked at the drive in surprise, "you had it did you know what we needed before we even told you?"

The two mentors chuckled then Illumina spoke up. "We got an alert this morning saying someone tried to hack into those files. When we traced it and discovered that it was someone from your agency, we figured you would come by soon to pick up whatever it was you were looking for. So we decided to have a copy made."

"Thank you so much! Oh and do you mind returning our agency's computers back to normal?" Dream asked.

"Will do," came the response.

The agents then stood up and started heading towards the door.

"Boys..." Fruitberries called in a serious tone, making Dream and Sapnap immediately turn their attention back to him.

"All our information is protected by the highest level of security that isn't available anywhere else in this world, and we have George to thank for that..."

Dream flinched at the mention of George's name, he had already decided to make peace with what had happened but it still hurts.

George was incredible with computers, and had single-handily created the academy's security system. Dream shook away the memories that were playing in his head, to listen to his mentor.

"If your theory is correct, the fact that the Reaper was able to access such heavily guarded information is suspicious." Fruitberries concluded.

Realization struck the two agents, and Illumina continued. "Whether we are dealing with a mole or an incredibly skilled person we can't be sure for now, but either way be careful."

The agents nodded, said their goodbyes, and left the office.


Back at the agency Dream was munching on some snacks, as he watched Skeppy and Bad sort out the new information.

Meanwhile Sapnap had taken Karl outside and was currently explaining to him about his past and the Stellar academy.

I hope Karl takes it well, its not everyday that you find out your crush was trained to be an elite assassin since the age of 5, Dream thought.
Well not like Sapnap knows that Karl likes him, the man's too dense.

Dream knew that Sapnap liked Karl too, and found it funny how both of them couldn't tell that their feelings were mutual, when everybody else around them could.

Maybe I should help the guy out...

Just then Karl and Sapnap entered the room, and the brunette appeared to be handling the situation well.

"OK we got it," Bad said popping up on the screen a world map. There were a lot of blue dots and only a few red.

"Blue are the ones that are still alive and the red are the victims," he explained.

"Something isn't right, the Reaper skipped a lot of them when he was on a murder spree in the UK, why would he do that?" Sapnap pointed out.

"We can ask him when we catch him," Dream answered.

"Bad, focus on the area of the last victim, search if there are any more possible targets living nearby." Dream said.

Bad followed the instructions and pinpointed several of them.

"The Reaper usually strikes when the target is in public setting, when security is low and he can make a quick escape by blending into the crowd. Search if any of these people are attending events soon."

After a few minutes Skeppy spoke up, "this guy is attending a party at a fancy hotel tomorrow night."

"OK we found our guy, but let's send agents to watch over the others just in case."

You won't be getting away this time Reaper, I'll have you in handcuffs by tomorrow night, Dream thought, I'll keep my promise George.

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