Chapter 18

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Of course when they finally stopped the truck, they found nothing. Wilbur had contacted the hackers to see if the cameras got anything, but George had made sure to jump off where he knew there was a blind spot in the surveillance system.

Sapnap suggested spreading out and looking for any clues but Dream immediately shot down the idea. Saying that they wouldn't find anything of use on this busy highway.

The blonde tried to act calm, hoping to not arouse any suspicion with his rush to get home.

With his safe house now discovered, there was a possibility that George was heading back to Dream's place to hide till things settled down, and the blonde wanted to make sure that he was alright.

The brunette may be highly skilled, but jumping down from that height, and onto the hard metal roof of a truck must have hurt. Especially since he's still injured.

Sapnap looked at him like he was crazy, the Dream he knew would have jumped at any opportunity to find something that could lead them to their target. Lately he couldn't help but feel like Dream was not giving this mission his full attention, and why was he in such a hurry to go home lately?

Sapnap was just about to bring it up when Wilbur agreed with Dream, saying that any clues would have already been swept away by the passing cars.

The raven head did not miss the look of relief on Dream's face when Wilbur said that they should all just head home for today, and that he and Niki would ride home with the other agents.

Sapnap watched as Dream hurried to his the car, something was up with his friend and he was determined to find out what.


On the drive back, Dream remembered that he had no food left at home, so he made sure to stop and buy some groceries, that would last them both a day or two.

When he finally arrived back home, his heart rejoiced when he found George sleeping on his couch, and it looked like the assassin had just finished redressing the gun shot wound on his leg.

Dream dropped the groceries on the kitchen table, and walked over to the couch to see if George had acquired any new injuries.

He gently took George's arm and started searching for any bruises, but the action surprised the brunette who jolted up from his nap, grabbed a knife from his side and held it to Dream's throat.

When he realized who it was, George dropped the knife and ran his hand through his hair.

"You Idiot! You scared the life out of me!" George scolded.

Dream let out a wheeze, and merely smiled at George, "Consider it pay back for that stunt you pulled on the freeway, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw you jump."

George slumped back down on the couch, and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"What happened to the bike you stole?" Dream asked.

"Borrowed," George corrected. "I left it on the side of a street. Someone will find it and return it eventually."

Dream stood up and headed back to the kitchen to start putting the food away. George limped to the after him and was about to help when the blonde told him to sit down, and not put any pressure on his leg.

"It doesn't really hurt anymore, at least let me do something since I'm going to be staying here." George argued.

Dream spun around and looked at George excitedly, "Wait really?" then mentally face palmed, Did I seriously get excited over something like this?

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