ELEVEN. The First Task

Start from the beginning

"I wish I knew," Electra responds.

"You're worried about him," Iris observes, "He's Harry Potter, he has to be fine. I think he is meant for so much more,"

"How wise," Electra responds.

"You must be rubbing off on me," Iris lightly jabs Electra in the side.

"It would be nice if it was the other way," Electra commented, looking at her plate.

"Nah, you're perfect the way you are," Iris rebuffed.

"You're the perfect one here, Iris," Electra tells her, glancing over.

"Everyone is perfect and no one is," Iris responds diplomatically.

"Wise once again," Electra smiles over at her sister for a few seconds, "I love you,"

"I love you too," Iris beams back, "You're the best sister and friend a girl could ask for,"

"You really need to stop mixing us up," Electra responds.

Iris sighs, "I can't with you," she shakes her head, "Oh look," she says after glancing away from Electra, "Hey, Harry," she greets the raven-haired boy on his way past the side of the table opposite the two sisters.

"Hey, Iris," Harry greets stopping in front of them, "Hey, Electra,"

"Hey, Harry," Electra waves.

"Good luck with the task today," Iris says, as sincere as ever, "I'm sure you'll do great,"

"Thanks," Harry nods, glancing at Electra.

"You figure out what to do?" Electra asks.

"Yeah, I have," Harry responds, slightly unsure.

"I am so glad," Electra smiles up at him.

At that moment Hufflepuff's very own Justin Finchley walks past ready to goad Harry, "Hey Potter," he begins before Iris interrupts.

"Justin," she halts him, with a slightly sharp tone, unusual for Iris

"What?" Justin says, confused.

"Move along," Iris tells him. Justin takes a few seconds before noticing the tilt of Iris's head and he decides to do what she says.

Harry stands there awkwardly for a few seconds as Electra smiles at Iris, impressed, "I should probably get going," he decides.

"Good luck," Iris says with a smile.

"You're going to do great," Electra asserts.

"Thanks," Harry nods before continuing where he was walking before.

"He'll be fine," Iris says as they watch him walk away.

"But will the dragons," Electra remarks.

Iris snorts in her laughter turning to look at Electra, "Don't act like you care," she says.

Electra's whips her head back to Iris, "I do,"

Iris shrugs, taking a piece of toast off Electra's plate, "What do you think his plan is?"

Electra snatches it back, "Not dying," she suggests. Iris laughs again.


HARRY WAS FINE. He was more than fine. Well other than the injured arm. But other than that he was fine. He had done amazing in the challenge. Seizing the egg from the Hungarian Horntail. Electra had spent the entire Task on the edge of her seat and her hands gripping so tightly onto the railing she was against that her knuckles turned white.

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