"Yep!" My mom hugs Reese again.

A part of me was excited to see Y/N after not seeing her in years but not excited for Daniel's lecture. He's always been protective of his sisters but was super protective of Y/N. I mean you could just pick her up take her with you anywhere but still. But Y/N's to smart to be herself in any situation she didn't want to be in.

Once again my thoughts break to the front door opening.

"Babe!" I hear.

I gulp. Crap!

"Hey babe!" I yell.

My girlfriend comes running into the kitchen. She wasn't at the party last night.

"Happy new year's family." Kay smiles happily.

"Happy new year." Ryan snarls.

Reese just walks away from her. I walk to her and see a hickey on her neck.

"What's that?" I ask pushing her hair out if the way.

"Nothing! Nothing at all, it's a bruise." She says covering it up with her hair.

"You cheated in me, didn't you?" I say with a sad voice.

She never has to know I did.

"Okay fine I did, but only because I heard you were getting close with your ex." She says looking to the ground.

"And you thought I'd do stuff with her. Kay I love you." I say softly covering my heart.

I hear Ryan chuckle.

"I'm sorry Zach." Kay says looking at me again.

"I don't know what to do now?" I lie leaning against the bench.

"Please Zach forgive me, I didn't mean to I was extremely drunk." She says tears in her eyes.

"Okay I'll forgive you but I'm gonna need a few days to get my head around this." I say rubbing my eyes as if I was upset.

"Of course, tell me when you can see me again." She says kissing my cheek and walking out of the house.

Once she was gone I continue to do things as if it didn't happen.

"Zach are you okay?" My mom asks.

"Great, got rid of her for a few days." I say smiling.

"You didn't cheat on her did you?" Ryan asks me with a wow face.

"Of course I didn't." I say with a little smirk.

It's my fault really, Kay is just for clout, management set it up. She likes to play pretend but in reality we cheat on each other all the time. So it's really nothing.

"Zach have you talked to Randy about it I think you should be in a real relationship that you choose." My dad says putting a plate of food in front of me.

"It's fine." I say rolling my eyes.

My parents don't understand my management. It's not about us.

"No Zach I agree with Josh, go and talk to management." My mom says sitting next to me.

"No mom, I said it's fine." I say taking my food and going up to my room.

Why cant they stay out of it?


I didn't talk to my family for the rest of the morning. I walk into Daniel's house and see all the boys cleaning up.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I say closing the door behind me.

"Where were you? You disappeared last night." Jack says as we bro hug.

"I had stuff to do." I say.

"More like you found your ex." Jonah says rolling his eyes.

All the boys look at me wide eyed.

"You didn't?!" Corbyn claps.

"Oh I did." I chuckle.

They all clap and we all do our handshake.

"What did Kay say?" Daniel asks.

I tell them everything about this morning including how excited my mom was about Y/N, that part made Daniel smile.

"Y/N's coming back!?" Jack yells turning to Daniel.

"Yeah I was gonna tell you all today." He smiles.

"OMG! I missed her!" Jonah yells.

She was the one who got him hooked on Harry Potter.

"She arrives tomorrow." Daniel says with a smile.

"Who's she living with?"Corbyn asks.

"Mom and dad obviously." Daniel says. "I wanted her to live here but mom and dad says no."

"You'll still see her all the time." Jack reminds him.

"Has she changed?" I ask.

It made me curious.

"No not at all, I mean she's so much more smarter, she also learned how to skateboard, but she's still her." Daniel says.

We all nod our heads and get to cleaning up the house.

"Isn't your family coming to the airport tomorrow?" Daniel asks me.

"Yeah." I reply. "Reese is already making a banner for her."

Daniel laughs.

"Of course she is." He smiles.

We all clean up while getting the "lecture" from Daniel. It was basically just rules for us and reminders. Y/N was almost 16 but Daniel treats her like she about 2. But we know now what to do if we see Y/N somewhere she shouldn't be. 

Brothers Best Friend - Zach Herronजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें