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my heart was racing

my anger intensified

why would he want to purposely get me pregnant?

"get out my damn car" he roared at me pulling out his gun

i knew he wouldn't shoot me, but whatever

i rolled my eyes at him while getting out the car and slammed the door shut making sure to leave smudges on his car window i know they hate that

i snuck into a alleyway where my getaway van was waiting for me for the past couple hours

i knock on the window immediately getting a gun pulled to my head

it was my dad

"mia, i was so worried" he pulled me into a tight hug and pulled me into the van harshly

"yeah whatever" i was pissed off and i didn't want to hear his lecture on the ride home

"let me guess your dumbass still can't kill one man?" my brother laughed at me in the back of the van with my other brothers

i rolled my eyes facing out the window, i still can't believe there is a chance i might be pregnant

we arrived home to our mansion because every mafia has to have a big ass mansion right?

i stepped out the car with my bag making sure to slam the car door in my brother's face for his comment earlier

"what the fuck did i do to you?" he yelled at me from a distance

i went to my room and layed on my bed

i knew if my dad found i am pregnant with cain's baby he would kill both me and the child

wait mia you aren't even pregnant yet stop panicking


after a couple hours of over thinking it was 9 pm and i decided to shower

i went to the bathroom and took off my clothes

my body as usual, freshly bruised from all that training i have to go through

but there were certain bruises that stood out

the ones he left

i traced my finger over them and sighed jumping into the shower


"mama mia, we are waiting for you at the table" my brother said clearly trying to annoy me

it worked

"dante, call me mama mia one more damn time and your balls will be rolling across the floor"

"somebody is on her period" he chuckled and left

"i hope" i mumbled and went downstairs to eat
"that's just misogynistic" dante yelled at my other brother malakai

"spell it" malakai yelled back

"uh, m-i-s-o- uh fuck it's not about me though"

dante always sucked at spelling, i don't know why girls craze over him

their argument went on, until dentures went flying into my soup making it splash on me

all eyes turned to me

"where- the- actual- fuck- did- you- get- dentures" I say trying to keep my calm while drenched in my dinner

"i took them from an old granny because she would give me her extra candies in her purse" dante said shrugging his shoulders

i was already upset about my mom and my 2 other brothers leaving to hawaii for a mafia case and leaving me here with these three idiots

i am- was sex deprived

i'm possibly pregnant

and now my food is on my clothes

"dante you take those dentures back where you got them now. You malakai clean up this mess" my dad said sternly still in shock about what dante did

i showered AGAIN

i mean common sense i don't prefer to smell like chicken gnocchi

"maybe tomorrow will be a better day"

i sighed and cut out my lights heading to sleep

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