The bottle Vodka

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He looked to me: ,,do you like that?" He showed me something. I don't know what that is but it looked good. ,,what's that?", He was confused but them told me what it is. I guess i can try. I looked to the Alkohol and then to Shuichi who closed the fridge. I guess he noticed that i looked to the Alkohol. ,,Do you want to drink?", i nodded with a smile. Maybe i will get drunk again. The last time I was drunk was some weeks ago i guess. ,,First you need to eat, then we can drink okay?", That's mean... I don't want to eat. I sighed and nodded. Ok ok i will do that, for him and for the Alkohol! I really like Alkohol... He put the food in the microwave and took it out again after 3 minutes. He will eat it with me because it's way to much for me.

-after he ate-

I didn't ate much but at least something. ,,Now we can drink if you want", he smiled. I guess he like Alkohol too. He stood up and opened the fridge: ,,What do you want?", I walked to him and pointed to a Wodka bottle. Actually we are too young for drinking but nobody cares. ,,Okay sure", he took out the bottle and I grinned, finally I can drink again. ,,But not much okay i don't want you to get drunk", he smiled. I nodded happy and he gave me the bottle. So he don't want to drink with me...? Ah maybe we can drink another time together. I opened the bottle and drank it. My throat got warm, i really like this feeling. After i drank the half of the bottle he took it away from me. ,,Ey gi-give it back", i tried to grab it but he held it so high that I can no longer reach it. I lost my balance but he caught me. I guess i drank too fast... Or it was to much idk. I felt happy and hugged him. ,,Suichiiiiii", i buried my face in his chest. ,,Huh?", He sounded a little surprised and put the bottle away. I felt a little sleepy but don't want to sleep now. I tried to walk away to do something i immediately forgot. Shuichi walked behind me. I stood in front of the bedroom and tried to think about what i wanted to do. ,,Kichi what are you doing?", I can't even think right. ,,Mhhhhh goooood question", i turned around to him and kissed him. He kissed me back. He pulled away after some seconds and looked at me. It was a very cute look. I hugged him and smiled. I was very sleepy so i closed my eyes and fell asleep for a second. ,,Let's go to sleep, i can see that you are tired", i nodded and he carried me to bed. I cling to him and fell asleep again.

-next day-

I opened my eyes and saw that shuichi was still asleep. He smiled in his sleep. I guess he is dreaming something good. My head hurted when I turned around. Ouch maybe I'm sick... Oh i guess it's the Alkohol from yesterday. I tried to fall asleep again but it didn't worked. Maybe i should just wait until he is awake, i can read a book... I looked to the side and saw a book he was reading. It looked interesting. I'm not really into books but i don't have anything to do so i read it. I opened the book and wanted to read it but felt a hand on my chest. I looked to the side and Shuichi cuddled with me, he was still asleep. It was very cute and i blushed. I looked to the other side and saw his phone. I turned it on and saw that tomorrow is already Christmas... Can I do something for him...? I put his phone away again and tried to think about what i could do for him. Maybe cook something? Nah i can't really cook or bake. Why am I so stupid. I can't even do something urg. That's so annoying... I looked at him and his eyes where opened. Oh he's awake. ,,Good morning", i smiled to him and he sayed good morning back. I blushed because of his morning voice. It's really adorable. He closed his eyes and turned around again. I guess he want to sleep a bit more. I want to sleep too. I looked outside and saw that it was snowing. I smiled and just watched the snow falling until i noticed that shuichi wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. ,,Kichi?", i flinched because i didn't expect him to be awake. ,,Mh?", I looked to the snow falling again. ,,I can't sleep", he kissed my neck. I blushed again and tried not to do a noise because I'm very sensitive on my neck. ,,I can't sleep again too...", he made me a hickey and i bited on my hand because i didn't want to moan. I didn't really worked and he made another one. I guess he wants to tease me. I blushed and tried to hide my face in a pillow. I turned around so he stopped. He smiled when he saw that i was blushing. He pulled me into a deep kiss. After we pulled away i hugged him. My eyes were still tired so closed them again. I want to sleep a bit more...

-after he felt asleep again-

I woke up still in Shuichi's arms, he was still awake and looked out of the window. It was still snowing. The snow looks very beautiful. He noticed then that i was awake again and smiled. I'm glad that i slept a bit more.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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