I should run now...

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-after he showed kokichi the apartment-

,,I really like your apartment", i smiled a bit. ,, Thank you", he smiled back. We both lay in his bed which was just enough for both of us. It was really comfortable. ,,Good night", he looked at me and i Sayed good night too. He closed his eyes and fell asleep very quick. I watched him sleep for some minutes and then moved closer to him. Maybe i can cuddle a little bit with him...

,,Good morning ouma, you need to wake up, we need to go to school", i mumbled something as answer. He shook me that i wake up. I opened my eyes and saw his handsome face a little bit to close to mine. It made me blush a bit. He blushed too and then went down from bed. ,,I can give you my clothes if you want so you don't need to go to school with the clothes you where sleeping with", he looked to his wardrobe. I sat up and nodded. He gave me a shirt, hoodie and pants. He left the room so that i could change my clothes.

-On the way to school-

We walked to school together... Finally a friend. I smiled the entire time. ,,Why are you smiling like that?", He smiled too. ,, I'm just happy", i looked up to the sky. It was very cloudy. We have November and it's getting colder day by day. The way to school is usually very boring and sometimes my bullies are waiting in front of the school. I hope they won't bullie Saihara... We were standing right in front of the school and i already saw the bullies waiting on my locker. Fuck why do they need to ruin my mood now? ,,Ouma i need to go to the toilet, I'm back in a few minutes can you wait here?", He smiled. I nodded and slowly walked to my locker. ,,You are late!", Kaito sounds angry like always. ,,I- I'm sorry", i opened my locker but Kaito closed it immediately. I flinched and he pressed me against the locker. ,,You won't get away from me that easily crybaby", He hit me in the stomach and i sank to the floor with tears in my eyes. He kicked me in my stomach again. ,,Come to the roof in the first break and come alone!", After that words he went away. After he went away Saihara came back and asked what happened he sounds really worried. ,,N-nothing don't- don't worry okay?", I tryed to stand up but it doesn't really worked. My stomach hurts really bad. What did i do to them that they are bulling me... And why does nobody care about it. Today i need to go home again... Saihara walked with me to the school nurse and she gave me some medicine. ,,Are you sure you don't want to go home?", The nurse asked me that the 3th time. I nodded again and grabbed my stuff so I can go back to class with Saihara. He was waiting for me. ,,Ok then here", she gave me 2 piece's of paper for the teacher. Then we walked back to class together and Saihara gave the teacher the 2 piece of paper.

-First break-

,,I need to do something, you can stay here i will be back in a few minutes", Saihara nodded and i walked to the roof. I know what they want to do... But i guess i have no option, i need to go... I opened the door to the roof and there were 5 of my bullies. I guess i should run now... They saw me and walked to me. I panicked and runned away, they followed me and i was looking for a place where i am safe. I runned to the toilets and hoped they wouldn't find me. I need to go to Saihara, maybe he is worried about me... The toilets where i am hiding aren't that far away from the class but if one of my bullies see me then I'm pretty sure that it's my end. I waited a minute and then slowly walked out of the toilets. I looked around and i saw nobody so I can go back. I walked to Saihara who was waiting in the class. I walked in and he looked at me with a smile on his face. He was waiting the entire time for me... I still can't believe that i finally have a friend. ,,I'm back", i smiled back. I'm very happy that i escaped. We only have 2 hours of school left... Then i need to go back to my... I can't call them parents anymore. They are raping me nearly everyday... ,,Is everything okay?", Saihara looked worried. I nodded. I guess i looked sad. ,,Wanna Skip class?", I smiled a bit again. He looks at me uncertainty. ,,Mh okay if you want to", he grabbed his stuff. I don't feel like sitting in school right now. ,,So what do you want to do now?", We walked out of school together. ,,Honestly i don't know...maybe we could just walking a bit", I looked away. We walked a bit until we found a good place to sit down. ,,Do you wanna tell me now why you don't want to go home?", He peeked into his pocket and took out something to eat. A small tear rolled down my cheek. He saw it and wiped it away. ,,Please don't cry", he smiled sadly. ,,My Parents are...", I couldn't get more words out of my mouth. I looked him in his eyes. We both stayed quiet. ,,It's okay you don't need to tell me", he looked down to his food. ,,Do you want some? You didn't ate yesterday evening", ,,No thanks, I'm not hungry", I lied. We spent an hour together but then i needed to go. I walked home and my father stand in front of the door. ,,Ah kokichi where have you been last night...!?", He looked to me a little bit angry. ,,S-sorry", i didn't looked up to him. He grabbed my wrist and pushed me in. He closed the door. ,,Don't run away again okay?!", He sounds really angry and pushed me to a wall. I just stayed quiet because i know it's the best thing I can do now. He presses me against the wall and began to undressed me. I was trying to get away somehow but it didn't worked. I gave up after a while and let him do....

-2 hours later-

I sat alone in my room and cryed. Why me?!

A part of me is missing (saiouma/oumasai)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ