Chapter 6!

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Added one of my favorite songs I love to listen to while I wright :) 

This was supposed to be Chapter 5 but I finished the other one first thats my bad!  


You woke up earlier than usual, normally Al wakes up early to get everything in the shop ready and sometimes you wake up and help him but most of the time you sleep through it. Something about this morning felt off, you got out of bed, slowly as to not wake up Seth who was still out like a light. You fixed your clothes and ran your fingers through your hair, and headed for the hallway, hearing a loud cough come from in the kitchen.

"Al? Is that you?" You mumbled in a sleepy haze. 

"Yea boo- I'm in- here" His words kept getting cut off by coughs.

You shook yourself awake, standing in the kitchen doorway "Are you ok? why don't you take today off you've been working yourself too much love" 

"No no its ok boo I got it, I'm fine" He tried to walk but was basically tripping over his own feet.

You hurried to his side, putting his arm over your shoulder "You are going to rest today, baby you can't even stand up straight. You need rest".

"But I gotta man the store I got an immune system of steel I can do this boo" He tried to get up and stand on his own but you shushed him and walked him back to bed. Seth was still out, makes sense you all worked extra hard at the store yesterday, but somehow you were the only one not exhausted or sick. You tucked him into bed next to Seth luckily he was still in his pajamas.

"I am going to get you some water and soup, you stay right there and get comfy ok love bug watch some tv!" You kissed him on the forehead, it was burning up. You put the remote in his hands and headed off to heat up some soup. 

You searched through the cabinets looking for Al's favorite soup, he always talked about how much it always made him feel better when he was little and how it was even better when you made it. He's always so lovie when he gets sick, always telling you how good you are to him and how much he loves and appreciates you, his words always turned you into mush. After some searching you finally found the last cans of the soup, placing it on the counter and getting the oven ready. You crouched down to get a reasonable sized pot from the cabinet, humming one of your favorite songs under your breath, tapping your fingers on the counter while waiting for the water to boil. You heard Alphonse watching the show you got him into, you always got happy when you remembered he loved it too, he was always willing to learn about the things you liked, it made him happy when you got excited talking about them.

After finishing up the soup you poured it into a bowl and brought it to him along with a cup of water, walking carefully as to not spill either. You set it on the bedside table, placing the glass next to it "The food is here your highness" You teased. 

"You don't have to take care of me, I'm completely f-" You cut him off.

"Shush shush, you're sick and you need to take today off or else you'll just burn yourself out even more than you already have" You smiled down at him "Is there anything else you need me to get you love?".

"Well I'm sure if you laid here with me that would make me feel better" He gave in to letting you take care of him. 

"Alright lover boy" You crawled into bed between him and Seth, sitting up so he could lay his head on your shoulder. Seth turned over in his sleep, laying his head in your lap, cuddling up to you. You watched TV with Al while waiting for Seth to wake up, it was nice to get to take care of them for a change, getting to take at least some weight off of their shoulders made you happy. 

After finishing his soup Al laid in your lap along with Seth, his eyelids fluttering closed and then open, trying to fight sleep. "Rest" You whispered, brushing through his hair with your fingers before running your hand down to rub his back. 

"I love you" He mumbled "You're amazing I wouldn't trade you for the world".

"I love you too sweet boy, now go to sleep you need your rest if you wanna feel better" He nodded before drifting off to sleep.


I'll be doing some requests next! This part took me so long for some reason and I apologize for that! As always thank you for the love! Take care of yourselves, I love you! :) 

Yuurivoice Alphonse, Y/N, SethWhere stories live. Discover now