Chapter 11!

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Sorry I took a break!! school and everything has been driving me crazy! i went to trail of terror and had a shit load of fun

Tell me would you guys prefer
1.The bittersweet boys in a haunted house
2.The bittersweet boys

Happy October and here is chapter 11!


You finish wrapping up the 3rd and final sandwich, placing it in the basket with the rest of the food and snacks. You three (3) had been planning this date for weeks, and Seth couldn't wait. When he was young, him and his mom always used to go on picnics and they'd walk to the nearby park and play until it got late. You could see a small patch of tears form in the corners of his eyes whenever he'd tell those stories, You never pointed it out but you always smiled at him and listened closely. You could picture it in your head, a little brown eyed boy setting up a big blanket on the grass, the dew getting his shoes wet, a big grin on his face.

You broke from your blissful daze once Seth had popped his head into the kitchen to tell you that he and Al had finished getting everything ready and were ready whenever you were. You couldn't help but smile at him, that image of a sweet little boy with chocolate brown eyes and a big dumb grin on his face wouldn't leave your mind. You reached and put a hand on his cheek.

"Sweet boy" You said before you could catch yourself. He seemed flustered, you caressed his cheek a bit before whipping back around to put all the food into the bag. Chuckling to yourself as a flustered Seth stood behind you stiff as a board. It wasn't long before Al marched in to wait for you to finish up.

He fell over in hysterical laughter once he saw Seth, stiff as a board like he'd see a ghost but his face a bright pink. "You good there?" He wiped the tears from his eyes from laughing to hard. Seth elbowed him "Hey what are you laughing at!" They always pretended to fight
sometimes it was hard to tell of they were faking it or not.

An hour later you had finally arrived, an open field by a small river, the sun was beaming down upon you as the fresh fall air filled your lungs. You helped set up the blanket upon the grass, sitting down and spreading out the food and some bottles of water. Before you could turn around to see where the boys were, Seth came and tagged you on the shoulder and took off screaming "YOU'RE IT!!".

You chased after him, the wind hit your face as you ran, the fresh fall air smelled so nice. Once you caught up to each to Seth you had gotten far enough away where you could be out of Alphonse's sight. You decided to play a little prank on the candy man, you both hid behind some trees in the field and waited for him to come looking.

"Seth? Y/N? where the hell" Before he could finish you both had jumped out at him, causing him to fall backwards. You and Seth broke out into hysterics, after a few seconds Al laughed too. It wasn't out of the ordinary you three played jokes on eachother.

You put out your hand and helped Al to his feet "So should we go finish setting up?" You brushed off the dirt on your knees and you all started to walk back to the spot together, admiring the beautiful sky.

You all took a seat on the blanket, with the basket in the middle, setting out all the plates and bowls of food. When you finished off all your food it had gotten dark, you all put all the dishes and trash back into the basket before finishing off your date night laying together and watching the stars, talking about life and random things from childhood and just anything you could think of.


Yuurivoice Alphonse, Y/N, SethWhere stories live. Discover now