Chapter 8!

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Sorry my posting schedule is gonna be really wonky since I just started school! I'll post as often as I can! As always I am always open to ideas!

This suggestion comes from the wonderful Boogirl107 ! <3

This one is so cute to me I am excited to write this part!



You had been wanting a pet for ages, just as a little friend to have around the house but you all had not found the time to go to a pet shop to actually look for one, half the time when you went Seth or Alphonse (or you) had gotten distracted playing with all the animals.

You sat in the car with both of them, going over your whole game plan "We are gonna find a new pet today! I suggested we get a F/A but someoneee said no" You gave Seth the side eye "So wee are gonna go in there and find a suitable pet for our house, got it?".

"Boo do we really need a whole plan, we already promised we wouldnt get distracted" Al sat his head on your shoulder from the drivers seat.

Seth sat in the middle seat in the back "They have a point though, we all do end up getting distracted whenever we come here, so its not a horrible idea to have a game plan, go ahead sugar"

You continued you on with your plan, finishing off with a "and remember to find something cute that won't try to kill us" you were mostly kidding but also somewhat serious.

"You're cute when you think ahead boo" Al leaned in to give you a kiss on your cheek "That's a good plan let's stick with that".

After you had gotten everything together you unlocked the car door, stepping out as a nice breeze smacked your face as soon as you stood up. They followed quick behind, Alphonse locking the car. You were all acting like you were spies on a secret mission, Seth jumped up behind you, doing a stupid pose, you and Alphonse couldn't help but die of laughter "Shhh you're gonna blow our cover" He laughed along with you and Al.

You pushed open the door, before you knew it there was cute animals as far as they eye could see, Seth had already made a B-Line for the snakes and Al had stuck with you "That idiot" He teased.

"Hey nerd don't forget the plan!" You called for him.

"Oh right!" He hurried back to your side.

Your plan was that you all had to agree on a pet you would all chip in to take care of, nothing that anyone else would hate/be scared of and one that couldn't potentially kill one of you. Yea maybe that last one was a stretch but sometimes you gotta cover all your grounds you know?

"Boo! look at this little hampster, hes runnin like there's no tomorrow" Al was hovering over a cage with a tiny hampster in it, running as fast as it could in its little wheel. 

"Sugar look! the ferrets are so cute" Seth circled the cage of ferrets, they followed him wherever he went. You couldn't be mad at them for getting sidetracked, they were clearly having to much fun being complete dorks.

You stepped away for a moment to go look at the cage with your favorite animal in it, getting so close as to almost press your face against the glass "So cute" You whispered, playing with them from behind the glass.

"You want one boo?" Al came up from behind you "It seems like you're in a trance there sweet thing so why don't we get it?".

Seth followed behind peering into the cage, a smile bursting across his face "I have no objections".

"REALLY! I mean really?" You had quieted down when you had realized you got peoples attention "You'd let me get one? well obviously it would be all of ours".

They both nodded in agreement "We can all pick a name but first lets go ask for it" Alphonse smiled, tasking you to stay with the animal while him and seth went to go get an employee for help. The moment they came back they saw you enjoying yourself, making little noises and playing with your future pet, chuckling whenever it did something cute or funny. The employee came over, scooping it from its cage and putting it in a portable one for in the car. You quickly search around for a bunch of supplies and toys. As soon as you had finished up paying you rushed to the care to open up the box a little bit and say hello to your new friend.


I am so sorry if this chapter wasn't too good I have been busy with school starting and been really tired but I promise I will post a lot more! I will post an about me rn so you can uh get to know me! <3


Yuurivoice Alphonse, Y/N, SethWhere stories live. Discover now