Chapter 14!

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HI!! OK SO, i'm so sorry the royal au chapter is taking so long and I kind of fell off the face of the earth for a tiny bit!?

But here's a cute little chapter to tide you over while I finish the royal au! <3

P.s how are you all? better be taking care of yourselves!


The smell of hot cocoa woke you from your slumber. You sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, stretching your arms up with a yawn. You slid out from under the warmth of your blankets, the cold air of the room quickly covered your body, sending a shiver down your back. You pushed on your slippers and dragged yourself down the hall.

"Your highness has risen" Alphonse teased "Good morning Boo" He smiled at you. You walked over and flopped your head onto his shoulder and your arms around him.

"Hey I'm here too you know" Seth rubbed your back once you gave him a grunt of approval.

"We made you some cocoa! have you looked outside it's a whole ass blizzard" Al laughed "Stores closed today so we got the whole day to ourselves." A smile tugged at the corners of your lips, a day inside watching movies, drinking cocoa and cuddling with your sweet lovers.

A small ding reminded Seth the cocoa was down and was ready, He quickly retrieved the cups and set them on the counter for us to add our own little marshmallows and whipped cream. After a firm squeeze and a kiss you released Alphonse from the warmth of the hug to fix his cup. You poured yourself a reasonable amount of tiny marshmallows atop your mountain of whipped cream.

You all got into your comfy corners of the couch, Seth of the left holding the remote to Alphonse's dismay, you in the middle, and Alphonse on the right to stop fighting over the remote.

You snuggled against both of them, spreading out a blanket over all three of you.



+ I'm sorry if this chapter was super short I kind of rushed, school is making me super tired)


Yuurivoice Alphonse, Y/N, SethWhere stories live. Discover now