The chimes of the last period had rung about ten minutes ago and Japan had yet to enter her last class.

Perhaps she would use the excuse of helping an injured student? Organizing things for the new Headmaster? Whatever the case, she was late and really didn't want to deal with the professor's fussing. Of course, skipping was an option that came to mind but she didn't have a valid reason if she was asked why.

Japan skidded around the corner and sprinted, full speed towards the door at the end of the corridor when a hand came out of nowhere to stop her.

"Woah there," a voice chuckled as she stopped just in time.

A human girl was standing in front of the door, petrified at the sight of someone charging at her, and quickly scurried away with a sigh of relief.

"And this is why we don't run in the halls. Well, not that I ever listened to that rule but still."

Japan turned, startled that she had almost forgotten the presence that had spoken to her mere moments ago. The person the voice belonged to stepped out from behind a corner and motioned for her to come with him.

Normally, she would be sweating buckets, wondering how much trouble she was in but right now, she had a pretty good idea what all this was about.

They stepped into a teacher's office and after confirming that they were alone, he plopped down on a desk and looked at her expectantly.

"So, did you look into what I asked you to look into?" Five asked as he stretched out his hand.

Japan lifted her chin into the air and proudly presented him with a necklace. A shining teal magatama charm was strung to the black thread, radiating a strangely cold aura.

"You said to look for whatever the one before us could have left? I was told that I was found with that charm. We were together when someone picked us up from our predecessor's grave," she explained, "My brother was born with a mirror, but he keeps it very safe and never lets anyone see it. At least he used to. I'm not sure how he's doing now..."

Five stared at the charm and suddenly found himself at a loss for words. Japan, who was usually the most chipper and cray-cray girl around, stood in silence as a lump lodged in her throat. She had never taken off that necklace before. It was literally part of her and the charm shaped birthmark beneath her collarbone was a clear sign of it.

"This necklace, it's a protective charm given to you by the same person that gave you life," Five stammered, "I promise I will return it as soon as I can-"

"Then please," Japan blurted out, "If you understand how important it is, please grant me one request."

Five placed a hand on the girl's shoulder and nodded. With a deep breath, Japan untied her hair and two feline ears that hid perfectly in her hair stood.

"I need you to find my stupid brother. I need you to tell him to come home and to stop making me worry!"

After a bit of assurance and comforting, Japan wiped her eyes and gave him an embarrassed smile.

"Sorry about that. I got a bit worked up."

"No no. It's nice to see the bonds of family at work. Especially twins, I've never heard of any other countries personified with twins."

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