Chapter 63: The Day That No Sun Rose.

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Jack's POV:

I worked through the night, Placing spells on each door and window to darken and strengthen them. I made barriers of ice pikes around the front of the castle to ensure an added obstacle in case he managed to get in, and I set the pack of ice wolves out to prowl.

The message was clear.
No deal.

I stand alone outside the castle just before dawn as the wolves prowl around me.
The others are asleep. I do not wake anyone though I know they would want me to. This is not a fight for them, they've done enough fighting.

When Pitch and his shadow horse army arrive, I can tell he is amused by my "show of power".
He grins with pointed teeth as his mare trots towards the protection barrier. Finally slowing to a walk, he reins her in.

"I see you have a death wish Frost. Well..I'm pleasantly surprised. Maybe you do have some guts."

I fake nonchalance and companionship as I make my reply, aware each word is a mental jab in a verbal fencing match.

"Ahh me and Death are old friends. Followed me home one night like a lost puppy and has been chewing my shoes ever since. I'll admit it's a mild inconvenience, but not one I can't deal with."

Pitch's eyes narrow ever so slightly. I know I'm a mystery to him and he can't tell how big a part I play in this.

Still grinning in false companionship, I cheerfully say.
"You won't be able to break through the protection barrier Pitch, But, I'll give you 24 hours to try. Then, if you're still here and still failing.-
I let the false smile drop.
"—I'll bring the fight to you."

Before he can scrape a word past his stupid sharpened teeth I wave a hand to my right. A thick cylinder of ice seems to grow right out of the ground. It finally stops about 198 centimeters from the ground. (About 6'6 ft)

It takes him about ten seconds to realize I just made a grandfather clock made out of ice grow up from the ground. He looks back to me with slight apprehension well hidden in his eyes.
I can see it anyway.

"It's a quarter til seven. You have until this time tomorrow."
Then I turned on my heels and began leisurely walking my way back to the castle. Before I made it two steps the sky darkened. I don't turn around.

He's doing the same thing he did yesterday, coating the black sand onto the protective barrier. This time it seems to cover the entire thing, black sky surrounding the castle until it's hard to see without aid.

Your move little rook.


I kept the students away from the windows, explaining enough to make them aware of Pitch but not enough to know that he had a timer on him.

Classes for the day were cancelled in favor of larger groups of students reviewing and helping one another with their current coursework.

I kept my air of stable indifference. It's what the students needed from me. They were used to having different threats looming over their heads and their old fear was returning. They knew what it meant to have an enemy knocking at your door.

I was especially worried about Harry. He'd gone though situations like this nearly every year since he'd turned eleven, but Ron and Hermione had always been right alongside him and they weren't here this time.

I could see the confusion of it muddling his thoughts. When he turned to say something and his eyebrows would pull together when he either forgot what he meant to say, or forgot he had no one to say it to.

Naturally I stuck Rowen and Callum on him. Both Harry and Rowan had practically adopted the first year Ravenclaw as their pet introvert. If he wasn't with one he was with the other. Callum was so anxious that he made practically anyone forget to be nervous while they tried to calm him.

By lunch Harry was so preoccupied with keeping Callum from having a panic attack that his own worries were set aside for when he had chance to actually think. Rowen, realizing my plan, had left Callum in Harry's care in favor of helping with the other houses first years.

Callum would keep Harry well and fully occupied until curfew. Then he would be too exhausted to do anything but sleep.

Sleep. The idea of it worried me a bit.
The nightmares had found a way in but only when pulled by the students dreams. I was concerned that it might happen again so I placed barrier after barrier after barrier around the dorms. Fashioning them after the one around the school since that one seemed to be troubling the Nightmares.

As curfew passed and the students settled into sleep, I kept watch with Lupin the other Professors, each taking different dorms to protect in case Pitch or his horses managed to break in.

It was radio silence on that front so when Lupin came to replace me around 3 in the morning, I let him. If I wanted to be ready for this battle I would need to try and rest.

I should have stayed awake.

...Don't kill me.~le author

Jack, not Jackson Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant