Chapter 11: A Very Dumb(ledore) Idea.

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Note: yes I know Dumbledore died but in this AU, it wasn't Dumbledore, but Sirius Black that Harry saw when he "died" Dumbledore, Lupin, and Fred are still alive.

Dumbledore POV:

"Thanks. I've been told names hold power. I'm not sure if I believe that, but I do know mine holds truths. And maybe even lies, if I'm honest."

What kind of reply was that? And even lies, If I'm honest?
Dumbledore was completely at a loss with this teen. Whatever he had been expecting, he had found something much different. The boy, whose name may, or may not have been Jack Frost, was definitely some sort of insane if not every kind.

But something else drew Dumbledore in, a curiosity that felt like treading on black ice. Dangerous, but worth it if you remained cautious. 
He studied the boy as he watched two second years drinking Butterbeer at the window table, wearing the same unreadable expression as he wore when he had watched the first years.

What did that face mean? Pain? Envy? Protectiveness? Longing? Curiosity? Dumbledore was good at reading faces. He'd been able to read every face upon meeting. It had made for a very useful skill. Gotten him out of many tight situations. At least, it had when it worked.

Despite the insanity of this conversation, Dumbledore felt an inkling of truth in Jack's words.
Jack Frost eh? Maybe he was.
What else would explain the early, constant snow that never laid more then an inch thick dusting the grass?

An idea was forming in Dumbledore's cobwebbed brain. It was a bad idea, an incredibly stupid, dangerous idea. Though he wouldn't realize how dangerous until later.

Let's not forget that this was the wizard who allowed a kid, a student in his care, to sacrifice himself on the word of a crazy prophecy.

"So" Dumbledore says, looking secretively at Jack.
"How do you feel about teaching?"

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