Chapter 5: Frost Drinks The Nasty Bog Water.

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Jack got up. He'd sat on the shore long enough, he felt, though he had no idea how long had passed. He began to explore. First with just his senses, then by looking around.
Finally, satisfied he had gotten a good mental lay of the land he headed for the caves along the shore's cliffs off to his left.

It took months to explore each cave but Frost wasn't in a hurry. With the pass of each day, the thing calling him got louder. It sounded like darkness, and whispers. Like an oil spill or a sinking ship. Like the last breath of a dying man and a dead man breathing when it shouldn't.

So naturally Jack Frost wanted to find it. Eventually, Jack found another cave. Approaching the entrance, he could hear the calling as it echoed off the walls from deep inside. Without hesitation, he ducked inside.

Inside the cave was a lake. The calling was coming from somewhere beyond the shore. jack noticed a boat tied nearby and promptly ignored it.

Instead, he took his stick, which he'd taken to after he's accidentally imbedded some of his powers in it, (long story) and taped the surface of the lake so gently the surface didn't even ripple.

The lake froze, ice spreading from the point he'd touched with his stick. He paused to let it thicken and settle, then started across. His mind was on a mission and he headed in a straight line towards the thing that called him.

He was certain now that it wasn't human, and that if it ever had it had been it was a long time ago. Upon arriving at this tiny island in the middle of the lake Frost closed his eyes. 

Concentrating on his heart rate, he monitored its rhythm before slowly lowering it to a point that would kill anyone else. Satisfied, be opened his eyes again. He approached the raised bowl slightly in front, and above him.

Inside this bowl was a locket. The locket was hard to see because of the emerald green liquid covering it, but Frost could. This was the thing that was calling him. The not-dead, Never-Alive thing was a locket.

Jack was disappointed. He had expected something..cooler. A sword, or an axe, bow, or dagger. A weapon of some sort. Not a trinket one wears around their neck. Still, he wasn't fooled.

He could feel inky shadows swirling inside it, heavy with death. Jack attempts to reach in, but the liquid refused to give him access, even when he tried to bend it to his will.
Upon more experimenting he came to realize that scooping it out, freezing it, vaporizing it, etc, etc,  would not work. Frost sat with his back against the bowl and thought.

He let his mind wander, knowing his brain would solve the issue better if he pretended he wasn't thinking. Reaching a conclusion, Frost spoke out loud.
"Really? Drinking it is the best you could come up with?
"I don't want to drink the nasty bog water."

  Frost rose reluctantly to his feet and froze a cup from the water in the lake. About halfway through, Jack started to get nervous,  like a cloud of impending doom was thundering in his head, screams from his memories ran out louder then any internal sound should be able to. He ignored it. The drinking was also making his stomach uncomfortable, hot and slightly like fire.

  Jack wouldn't call it pain.  Not exactly. He was used to pain and it wasn't quite that. But it was definitely uncomfortable. He thought about giving up, but dismissed the idea. Out loud he murmured.
"Ulch, Dumb Brain gonna kill me with Nasty Bog water after 3,000 Years?"

  Finishing it with his nose wrinkled in disgust he molds his ice to form a replica of the locket and watches as the green substance refills to cover it. With a hand wrapped gently over his stomach, Frost slowly slumps to the ground.

He puts the locket over his head and freezes the thing, chain and all, muffling the oily feeling it emitted.  Stick in hand, he sits there. While he waits for the discomfort to ease and his muscles to stop trembling enough to walk, he mumbles complaints to himself.

"That is a wretched drink. What kind of establishment is this? Terrible. One star, no worse, half a star. I'll be writing a strongly worded review. "
As the discomfort fades slightly, Frost checks his pulse, frowning slightly when he realizes the beats are consistent. "Maybe it's the drinks fault." He murmurs to himself and then Jack stumbles to his feet. Leaning lightly on his stick, still unsteady. he heads for the exit.

Feeling determination set in, he starts walking. Jack Frost notices in surprise that he feels like he does on a battlefield. Like a man with a mission. Like a man, with a purpose.
He smiles his ghost of a smile to the frozen air and sets out, heading straight for the undiscovered.

I am aware that the potion doesn't refill and that ice wouldn't really work to replace it. Sorry but I'm not smart enough so I altered these facts.

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