Chapter 53: New View

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Lupin's POV:

I had to admit, Jack was growing on me for the position of Headmaster. When i first met the boy and was directed to give him seven years of magic education in a week, I admit, I was skeptical.

I didn't think it could be done by a scholar. Let alone by a 17-year-old boy with no wand, and no idea if he had an ounce of magic in his blood.

I don't know quite when my view of him as a teacher changed. Was it when he ghosted into the first meeting and despite all the hidden wariness remained calm? When he'd mistaken Dumbledore's name?

Maybe it had changed the moment he overdid his first spell. I wasn't sure. All I know was that it was extremely easy to forget that he's still a kid.

I was of the mindset of unquestioned trust in his calm surety and wisdom even as the shadow horses came. When the halls got quiet and the students rallied behind his unyielding strength. When the Professors started to lean on him too.

I was so caught up in the students and my own dreams of the moon and blood that I failed to notice how wrongly I had misjudged.

It was a normal day. Jack was letting Martin lead the class in directions of baking a giant cake for the house elves, in celebration of their recent freedom. he usually let the class spend time on a group project once a week.

Frost, with the free time, was checking in with the other Professors. It was nearly lunch when he made it to me. I had a free period and was grading some papers on students topic of choice.

Jack knocked and, hearing me beckon, nudged open the door.
"Oh hello Jack, what can I do for you?"
I say to the white haired teen.
He sits gently on the edge of a chair, always ready to spring up and says.
"I'm just checking in. Anything on your mind?"

I was worried about the shadows, but nothing had changed since Frost had killed one so I say nothing, shaking my head, I notice that Jack seems distant. This realization quickly leads to another.
Jack's checking in with us. Who's checking in with Jack?

I immediately feel the guilt of not thinking of it sooner.
"How have you been Jack, Anything on your mind?"
Jack's head snapped back from gazing distractedly out the window, eyes locking into mine.

I make my expression as sincere as I know how, keeping eye contact despite feeling like i was under a magnifying spell. 

Finally I see Jack give in and speak.
"I'm worried. What if something happens? What if I can't defend them all?"

Jack looks down at his hands like he's worried they aren't strong enough.
"I'm trying to teach them to fight but I don't want them to know how. I don't want them to need to know how."

I take in this new side of Jack. The silver scars on his neck and face. The various ones he got from the fall. Hearing the tone of anguish he's kept hidden I realize with a shock.
'This is a kid.'
'This is a kid just like Harry.'

No ones giving this kid support as he becomes our corner stone. Even Dumbledore had a right hand man in McGonagall. Who does Jack have?
Without much thought at all I come to the conclusion.
Me. He has me.

"Jack. You're doing amazing. No one in the entire magic world could pull off what you have here in so little time. You're giving these kids a safe haven to heal while trying to give them the tools to keep themselves safe. You're doing things one else has even thought to do. Stop being so hard on yourself."

Jack blinks.
For a second I cringe internally. Did I just overstep my bounds?
But then Jack smiles his ghost-of-a-smile and I let out the breath I was way too conscious of holding.

No words necessary. Once you learn to read Jack, few words are needed to understand.

Jack's gaze sharpens as he thinks of something.
"Hey Lupin, how much time do you think we have left before the Night Mares return in full force? I know I scared'em a bit when I killed one but we both know they'll be back."

I sigh deeply and rub a hand absentmindedly over some of the scars on my face.
"Not enough time that's for sure. All we can do is keep on training the students and staff how to fight with emotions. How to fight with hope."

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