Chapter 16: A RavenClaw Found

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(I am aware that the Ravenclaw colors in the book are bronze and blue but I am going with the movie for this, as I prefer the look of silver with blue. )

Calum Wood POV:

Calum Wood was having a normal day, which, pretty much means it was a horrible day really. He'd woken up early to try and study for transfiguration but couldn't find a place quiet enough to stop his thoughts from wandering.

The ceremony with the sorting hat was all he could think about right now. His mother, who had been a Ravenclaw, had given her scarf to him at Kings Cross station to try and calm him.

"You're just like me when I was your age Calum. " She had said as she wrapped a new Ravenclaw scarf around Calum, then leaned forward as if conspiring with him. "it won't matter what house you get sorted into, but between you and me, you already belong in Ravenclaw.

Of course she had been right, it had taken less then a minute for the sorting hat to place Calum in his house, his mother's house. Now, he was officially a Ravenclaw.

Calum smiles shyly at the memory knowing he had worried over nothing. Realizing he wasn't going to get any real work done with his mind wandering, he puts his book back and tightens his silver and blue scarf, speaking out loud to himself.
"Let's go on an adventure."

He steps out of the common room and immediately regrets it.
There, coming down the hall straight for him, are four of the other kids from his neighborhood. One second year and three first years like him. He burrows into the scarf, turns away, and starts walking briskly. Maybe they hadn't noticed him.

Yeah right, he's never been that lucky. They always find him. Seeing them still following him as he rounds a corner, he takes off running for the main doors and out to the Black Lake. Hoping his foot prints will be masked in the tramped layer of snow in the courtyard.

He could hear them calling for him, and he knew what their tones meant. They were bored. They were never friendly, but they were always especially cruel when they were all together, and they were all bored.

Fueled by his logical analysis, he sped up. On his mad dash for the Lake, he fell several times and is now covered in chunks of slush, mud, and has completely soaked one side of his jeans and elbow.

He hides behind a thick twisted tree at the edge of the lake and turns to see if his pursuers have found him.

-We all know what happens next. -

Shivering, mentally and physically exhausted, Calum collapses under a random tree in the Forest and tries to stifle his tears. Wishing his mom or his brother were here.

Oliver had always protected Calum, giving him flying lessons and distracting him from his anxiety by talking about quidditch.

He had thought he was alone.
He was wrong.
Because this was the day he wasn't alone. It was the day he was found.

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