Chapter.33: pushing forward ( part 2).

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We managed to help out both Celine and my lord wraith before things ended up rather messy, I checked if Celine was really ok after the many blasts that she had to endure before her armor went from full to zero real fast, but she told me she's ok and the surprise to her only caught her off guard.

Can't help but think this surprise was meant for both of them instead of the 'supposed' traitors who turn their backs on them willingly this time, but I guess the big ones are the obvious one's to take out.

Either way I kept checking on her if anything else was wrong, but she kept telling me that she's fine and all good. Even though I wanted to believe that, I am too scared for her safety, I know she is so much better than me with guns and skills alone. I still otta keep on the lookout for anything she needs to feel both better and ready for the next attack, funny how things are the opposite instead of me being the famous one that has to be taking care of, eh. It comes with a good quality brother of mine who showed me how to be something that Marie should have done all those years ago.

But beside that, Nicky is checking on our lord's health or his suit armor more like, he is covered in what looks like a black powder with a faint white smoke coming off of him, but from the looks of it he's doing just fine. I know that because he gives us the thumbs up, but since he is interagading one of the still brainwashed octoling soldiers, he's kind of occubide. demanding some answers on how they get the stuff in the first place.

him using his multi arms grabbing him real tight in the air, as if he was squeezing his brains out. and surprisingly he is only calm, which is weird for a god of greed like him, one can only comprehend what he is thinking right now. his arms are folded together as he's still holding him like a doll, before the soldier insulted him with things can't do this and can't do that or whatever as I was just ticked off by his stupid face to insult him so casuly like that, but he still remained calm.

Not mad or bothered, just standing there, watching him. Suddenly his being slammed on the ground three times before sliding him once on the floor. Then he shook him around to give him some motion sickness, three methods did not work as he still didn't say anything. hmp...Stupid brainwashed octoling.

Then I saw Zoe, who I could describe as a metal flower, with her changing colors and forming all kinds of odd and cool shapes to make so she can show us how she can express herself, work and guide us up to this point on, even using the few free arms to twirl around wraith's bodysuit like a majestic being. I just call her 'flower z' just a nice nickname for her on the fly~.

The soldier then jolted in surprise as wraith started squeezing his body tightly, slowly to squeeze out the answers out of him while having his arms legs being mislocated for more painful torturer, offf that's got to hurt really bad. Cuz it looks so fragily painful even tho we have no bones to begin with, I can still feel how his body makes it look like a jellyfish body has easy time with it that I felt a strong shudder of how really wrong that sounds. Wraith moved him closer to his masked face without a hint of stopping this unjoyful thing I'm seeing, all he did was make him either spill the beans or it gets worse, still didn't say a thing.

Wraith then loosened his grip on the soldier before he breathed in grunty pain, once he caught his breath back he looked at him with angry look and said gruntingly that he has no reason for him to spill anything other then his spit on wraith's masked visor, which he really did!!...ok, forget the uncomfortable stuff because now I'm really mad!!

But before I get to have my anger being unleashed on his disgracefulness on my lord like that as I wanted to give that rude octoling a piece of my mind, he surprised me by throwing it off to the pit. The soldier screamed in panic as he was falling fast.

I switched from being angry to being shocked as wraith looked at his digital holographic watch on his wrist thanks to 'flower z'. Then he quickly grabbed him all the way back up as he looked completely terrified, he said he would talk if he would never do that again...yes!!

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