Chapter.33: pushing forward ( part 1).

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Finally after departing with the green idol, I entered the first kettle of the second sector following Celine and callie from behind in order to retrieve our first zapfish with the three of us working together again, oh this should be fun...that is, if they let me explain to them of how I got myself some extra help in the process with the team of octolings. I do hope they don't mind because whether they are against them or not, we need all the help we can get to finish this mission.

And aside from Marie not joining us, I'm kind of glad that she isn't. Because there's much at stake with my octolings team who are already livid with her, and it would be bad if she knows that I am associating with them my plan will soon crumble after, or any wrong move for that matter.

I just need to keep my best cards hidden until the right moment has presented, but I do need new ones to increase the odds of flipping things over. and I highly doubt Callie would likely say anything either as to why she wanted her money makers without showing any signs of doing something about it, which still strikes me as odd.

Craig won't say anything either cuz how tense things are with her around (sigh)....that's fine, things are already moving just as planned so i batter stay focused. I got out of the pipe before I saw the...what I assume is the remaining of the walking suicide ink bomers as they are called, 'Octopods'. had been already taking care of, even the ones in the second platforms before the first checkpoint had now been activated along with the launchpad, uh...ok that was quick. What did I miss?

Celine:" UGHHH!!!...that green wearing top hat bitch!! She won't ever let it go and move on from it!? I'm so tired of how many times she reminds me!!" she uproared while her hands were squeezing her face while her weapon was still in hand as she kicked the floor In irritation before continuing her uproar.

Ooookyyy, From the looks of it there's definitely something going on with her no surprise there. Also what does she mean by won't let it go? What has Celine done?

...Just as I was about to ask, Callie has stepped in and tried to calm her down, as she patted on her shoulder to make her stop for a moment before looking back at her with an angry look still on her face, watching with no interruption as I wanted to see what callie had to say to her.

Callie:'' hey Celly don't sweat it there. I really get it and I feel you I really do, But you can't let her get to you about what happened years ago ok? We have to start now, and keep moving forward before we can finally get out of this mess.You already just finished with one area and I'm really proud of you, now it's my turn to help you out and give you all my support on this. Just hang in there besty, four more bigge's and we can finally hang out again just like all the good things we used to do. Ok ocean Lazer?" she said with a reassuring tune before she smiled genuinely to Celine with that nickname as she had calmed down.

Ocean Lazer?...What sort of things does she do to earn a name like that?...Whatever that was, it did at least make her faintly smile and nod after.

hugging callie with a surprise embrace as she only patted her head in reply to her hug with a little smile.

Celine:" alright alright, thanks pinky c. Just don't forget what I told you ok?...Since we obviously got this, we can keep at this pace before we can get out of it. So don't you dare quit on me. Got it pinky?" she said with a serious tune before I see callie just give off this expression of an adorable sparkle like eyes with a huge smile on her face before nodding.

Now pinky c with callie?...ok...Aside from her weapon of cuteness that would probably give a lot of her fans a literal heart, they actually share something that I wasn't planning on seeing today. I don't have to guess that those two have a lot of stories to share, but I don't think they can share that with me just yet. Callie would say yes if I asked but I think that will have to wait in the meantime. I do admit that I do have my curiosity, but none comes close to miss ocean Lazer here. What did she do that made them both to be in some kind of mess?

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