Chapter15: Old world's echo

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I made it back to the control room as I looked at the monitor's that we are approaching to the big land of civilization that is right before my very eyes can see in the far distance of the horizon, I see the buildings of all sizes: from big to small and all looked fully intact and well maintained. A smile came across my face while l sit down on the metal rotating chair with cushion before I kept my eyes on both sides of the screens, surface and below levels of ocean water. It really is about time that we finally made it to the Inkopolis; well not yet exactly but we're getting there shortly, Zoe only slowed the sub down to avoid impact on the city, and we're planning to find a place to hide underneath it somehow.

Sub/Zoe:" Looking good so far captain! Were arriving shortly to inkopolis city~...So sit back and relax while I'm at it" she said with a happy tune. Easier said than done, considering what happened earlier....

Jack:"Ow....probably shouldn't hit my ass where it counts Z, even after the healing I still feel a bit sore....only a bit" I said with a low frustration as I rub butt cheeks.

Sub/Zoe:"Oh grow some balls will ya~, it's better to have risks than not have any~" she teased my so called balls as I only grow some more frustrated from her words.



Jack:" I have way more spine than what you preferred to as balls, and I don't think anyone can measure up what I can do if I hadn't find you, or even that spiny to jump and swing around buildings! Hell!...I even still rememberer way back when that I've told my ex soulmate's parent about their daughter cheating on me with another man who happens to be the neighbors awful son that keeps blackmailing them about what they did in the past.

Only when I shed the light on the subject that they didn't fucking do anything wrong and the whole thing was nothing but scam, it sended them in rage from eight to eleven once they found out. They then wanted to speak with him on the next day, however that didn't happen because they find him FUCKING MY EX SOULMATE IN THEIR ROOM!...Lets just say things got ugly: all this court stuff, couple of broken ribs, drama and me getting a hadome pile of cash as a reward.I wasted it all on Vicky as she finally got what she deserved in the end. Hmhmhmhmmm~ If that doesn't count as ballsy I don't know what is~" I said with a proud tune of my achievement clearing the couple's name and make their daughter crawl for forgiveness on the both of us.

Of course we didn't~, so we left her to rot in college by the court discussion until she finally atone for what she's done to my heart.

sup/Zoe:"Damn~ Dude~! I mean I didn't think you would go that far for helping people~" she praised as I smiled and remember all of my past deeds.

In the past I was a target to everyone....even the ones that I gave love and respect. With all of my best efforts to get the it in return, they just threw mine away without a second thought. Which is why I gave them EXACTLY what they've always wanted.... The unforeseen consequences.

Jack:" Sometimes you have to take risks to override bullshit and make it right."

Sub/Zoe:"Hahahaha~!...Good one! I take it that you learned it from the best~"

Jack:"The absolute one at that....yes" I say as I remember the words of my mother.

Not only it bring smile on my face, but also a warmth in my heart. Mother....your words will never fade from this world even if your not here with me. I'll always stick to my own grounds and not be swayed by total bullshit...I thank you for that.

We kept chatting to get to know each other more and more before we almost reached our goal. However...we noticed a few mountains on our way as we moved a bit closer to take a good look. There were some kind of strange sounds. No words, just some odd electro sound waves that sounded like a deception of lies.

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