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He made me and him a sandwich and we chatted. "So" I cleared my throat. "How much do you know about. The men who killed my mom and dad?" I asked Raz and he looked up at me and shook his head.

"Not a lot. I read the police reports. They came in. Demanded money and then were never caught" he told me and I nodded. "I know its hard Quinn" he told me.

"We will never understand why these horrible horrible people did what they did" he sighed. "But all we can really do now is make the most of it" he told me. "I know" I nodded and took a deep breath.

"It just, sucks. A lot" I told him and he nodded. "I've got a dinner meeting with a company but I don't have to go" he spoke and I shook my head. "I'm gonna go back over to Cameron's when he's done with work" I told him and he smiled.

"You spend a lot of time with him" he told me and I smiled. "I like him." I spoke and he chuckled. "I'm glad you've found someone like him" he told me. "As opposed to?" I questioned and he shrugged.

"A crack addict. Someone with face tattoos. Someone who doesn't respect you or love you for you" he told me and I looked at my hands and smiled. "He does love you. Any crack headed idiot can see that" he told me and I looked back up at him.

"Yeah I am pretty lucky to have that string bean by my side" I shrugged and he laughed again. "Alright. Good talk. Am I doing this whole parent thing right?" He asked me backing in to his room. "You're doing great" I assured him and he smiled.

He got ready and I was sitting on the couch with a book Cameron had given me. "Alright I'll see you. Uh tomorrow I guess" he messed my hair up. "Ok. Be careful" I told him and he smiled. He walked to the door and went out. I walked over to the window and saw him pull out of the drive way, and down the road.

I put my book down and walked down to the basement. All of my parents stuff was in here. In boxes. I looked around for a moment and grabbed the first box, and took the lid off as I sat on the ground. I started to go though all of the boxes pulling out anything I thought was important and then repacking and putting the box aside.

I had Cameron's podcast on which made me laugh, but I was focused. A couple podcasts later I pulled out a box that had some files in it. I started to look though them. Money files. Where they put there money. How they managed it. Damn we rich as fuck.

I saw payments being made for over 3 years. Millions of dollars poured in to it. International Children's fund. What? That's where most of it was going. Then I saw smaller payments being made to a name. Harry Smith. Made up name?

I put the other papers I had collected in to that box as I pulled out some of the files. There were a few letters. I skimmed them but it just talked about a company making things. Little ear peices. Why would they have these. I kept looking and found more letters. Tiny chips. Humans. Implants. Human implants.

I leafed though the box moving some of the files out of the way and I found one laying at the bottem. I grabbed it out and looked at the papers. Millions of dollars being retracted from the same company. Weird. Give them money. Take it away?

What was this company and why were my parents giving them so much money? I heard my phone ring and I jumped. "Holy" I put my hand to my heart and turned around to grab it from the top of a box. Cameron's face flashed on to my screen. I answered it and put it on speaker.

"Hey baby. Are you done with work?" I asked him and he was quiet. "Would babe have worked better?" I asked and I heard him chuckled. "I like baby" he told me.

"What are you doing right now?" He asked me and I looked at all the boxes around me. "Nothin much just this and that." I told him and he hummed. "Well Ryan wants to go out. Are you keen?" He asked. "Keen?" I questioned.

"When are you gonna stop making fun of me it kinda hurts my feelings" he spoke. "I'll stop when you stop saying things like keen" I told him and laughed. "I'm gonna kill you. Where are you?" He asked.

"At my house. Where are we going? And are you driving?" I asked. "We can uber. Do you wanna get fucked up?" He asked and I smiled. "I feel bad when you drive cause you've gotta take it a little easy" I spoke and he chuckled.

"Yeah we can take a car. Let's get crazy" he suggested. "That sounds amazing are we meeting at Ryan's to drink before we go drink?" I asked him. "Yes" he told me. "Perfect. Let me shower and I'll get over there" I spoke and stacked the boxes on top of each other.

"I can come get you" he offered. "No it's fine. I'll be over in a bit." I spoke. "Alright see you in a bit then" he spoke. "Ok bye" I spoke and tapped on the end call button.

I stood up and took the important box up to my room and put it in my closet. I took a shower, got dressed, grabbed my stuff and I was walking down the steps. I left a note for Raz on the counter and stepped outside and saw my car there.

It drove me and I got to Ryan's house, and I heard yelling. Should I knock? I stood there for a moment. Knock. Just walk in. I hate this.

A Bad Influence. (Fitz)Where stories live. Discover now