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I was laying in bed and it was around 3 in the morning. I didn't have shit todo today or the rest of the week. Raz wouldn't let me get a job and he had been pushing me a little bit to make friends. My phone lit up from my bed side table and I walked over and grabbed it. Cameron.

You alive?

Well if I wasn't it would be to late now.

Understandable. You didn't text me just wanted to make sure no one kidnapped you or anything.

Yeah I'm good. Thank you for your help today.

Yeah sometimes I just wander around the store looking for people who can't find things or are to short to reach them from the top shelf. 

I wish you had found me 20 minutes ago. It was embarrassing trying to climb up the shelves for the right kind of sauce

Why are you up so late?

Not really tired. You?

I was playing video games :/ :D


It was a second and I looked at the screen. Was he gonna ask for nudes. He was kinda cute I didn't really wanna have to block him. Ugh. I saw the dots.

Well I just wanted to make sure you were ok and to see if you wanted to come to a party?

A party? I can confidently say I have been invited to 2 of those in my entire life, and I've only just met you.

It's just a bunch of people drinking and stuff. We laugh and play games. You don't have to drink or anything. How are we suppose to be friends if we don't hang?

Uh yeah sounds fun. I'd have to ask my uncle.

Totally. Cool. Just text me if you decided you wanna come and I'll text You the details. Pretty sure we should both get to bed.

I'll text you tomorrow

I clicked off my messages and I laid down. A friend? I just got invited to a party. I didn't even know this guy. My heart raced a little bit at the thought of being around a bunch of drunk people I didn't know. Sounded like a family reunion.  I set my phone down and curled up and went to sleep.


I woke up with a jolt and groaned. I was dripping in sweat as I tried to breath. It's fine. You're safe. I tried to talk to my self but I was breathing heavy. I got out of bed and walked down stairs. I made some coffee and my uncle walked out.

"What are you doin up so early?" He yawned and I handed him coffee. "Just woke up" I shrugged and he nodded. "I got invited to a party" I told him and he hummed and nodded.

"You need some cash?" He asked me and I smiled. "No I just was gonna ask if I could go" I shrugged and he nodded. "Of course" he told me and nodded.

"Was it that guy from the market?" He wiggled his eyebrows and I nodded. "Yeah but I've only been invited to one highschool party when I was a junior, and then a birthday party when I was 7" I told him and he laughed. "Yeah go crazy" he shrugged.

"It'll be good for you to get out there and make some friends" he told me and I nodded. "Cool" I told him. "I'm gonna get ready for work" he spoke.

"Oh and on the 5th of next month a lawyer is coming down to read your parents will. To see what they left you" he told me and I nodded and felt a pain in my chest. "I'll be back" he spoke and walked to his room. I grabbed my phone to text him.

When is the party? And where?

I pressed send but no reply. Probably has a job like a normal person. I set my phone down and I was about to do the dishes. My phone buzzed. I turned and it was from him.

Its tomorrow. I can pick you up or you can drive?

I can't drive

Perfect. I'll pick you up and we can go. What's your address?

I gave him my address and I continued to clean up the house a bit. I was sitting reading a book and the door swung open. "Quinn I'm. Home" my uncle chuckled as he saw me sitting in the couch. I smiled.

"How was work?" I asked him and he shrugged. "Little of this. Little of that. You?" He asked me. "That guy is coming to pick me up tomorrow at 8 for the party" I told him and he smiled.

"Good. 8 and just be home before the sun comes up" he told me. "Its nice to see you smile" he told me and I smiled more.

"Let me change and we can have something for dinner not quit sure yet" he told me and walked to his bedroom. We had dinner and then I went to bed.


I woke up the next day and laid in my bed for a little bit. Just thinking. Why would they do that? They were asking for money. The cops didn't catch them. I shook my head and picked up my phone. 2:04pm. He'd been here at 8.

I wanted to tell my mom I met a boy and hear my dad complain about how no boy was good enough for me. I got a knock at my door that startled me.

"Come in" I called and Raz popped his head in. "If I go out will you be ok?" He asked me and walked in with a set of keys. "I probably already should have given you one of these" he spoke and handed me 2 keys.

"That ones for the front and the back" he pointed to them. "Thank you. Yes please its your house I just live here" I told him and he messed my hair up. "Its your house too. Call me if they start doing heroin or if you just wanna come home and your driver is drunk. I'll be over there" he pointed at me and I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you. Love you have fun" I called. "Love you too. You have fun" he pointed at me and then walked out the door. I sat there for a bit longer and decided I need to unpack.

A Bad Influence. (Fitz)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora